
Vengriyada magistratura uchun to’liq grant yutgan talaba topshirgan tavsiyanomalar



Hujjat namunalari


1885 marta



ESLATMA: keltirilgan hujjatlardan faqat namuna sifatida foydalaning. Tavsiyanoma matnlarini ko’chirib, o’ziniki sifatida topshirish plagiarizm hisoblanadi va osonlik bilan aniqlanib, arizaga salbiy ta’sir ko’rsatadi.

1-tavsiyanoma matni:

«I am very pleased to recommend Nodirjon Yusufov for admission to the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship program. Although he has been working in the Ministry as a leading specialist in the department for only 4 months, I have been witnessing this young man develop rapidly into a competent candidate with strong background in government policy.

Nodirjon is compassionate, responsible and genuinely well rounded. I was impressed by his achievements, as well as his critical thinking skills, self-confidence and exemplary communications skills in job interview. Because he outstood among all other candidates, I trusted in his potential and approved him to the position of the leading specialist in our department.

Nodirjon takes his role seriously, and completes all tasks accurately and due date. Whenever he faces challenges, because of his limited experience in the government sector, he is never ashamed of asking for advice and always tries to learn something new every day. Despite being the youngest member of our team, he has already earned great respect among his colleagues, because of his accurate style of working with papers, eagerness to initiate new projects and readiness to assist in tough times.

Mr. Yusufov is very open-minded and possesses great international experience. Trusting in his excellent negotiating and fluent English skills, we granted him two business trips – robotics competitions in Mexico (First Global Challenge) and Philippines (International Robot Olympiad) as a representative delegate of Uzbekistan.

As I greatly appreciate such goal-oriented and diligent individual, I hereby recommend Nodirjon Yusufov to the program. I believe that he will be one of the most successful students of the program and will definitely be a great impact in developing STEM issues in Uzbekistan.»

2-tavsiyanoma matni:

«With this reference, I intend to give my highest possible recommendation for Nodirjon Yusufov to be admitted to the Stipendium Hungaricum program for Master’s studies for 2019-2021. I was an assistant lecturer in Industrial Plants and Project Management course (IPPM) which he took in senior year in (universitet nomi)___. I know Nodirjon well, both as a student in the class and a social activist of the university.

Nodirjon has been an outstanding student in the class, demonstrating academic excellence in challenging industrial topics and engineering tasks. During the classes, he was enthusiastic learning project management and never missed a single class both in lectures and in seminars. In the final project of the course, in which students were required to model a car dashboard producing company for Uzbek market, he showed his initiative and became a leader of his team. Because of his well developed engineering background and his eagerness in project management, his team received maximum points for the project. He received a high overall mark in the course.

Although Mr. Yusufov pursued his studies in Mechanical Engineering, I see him more as a manager than an engineer. I think, MSc in Engineering Management suits him the best and mixing his engineering knowledge with management skills boosts his potential and he will become a promising candidate to work in any technology related field, both in government and in private sector. Moreover, he manages crowd really well and is a great team player, thanks to his experience as a president of the Students’ Union for two years. He brought a huge contribution to the social wellbeing of students in the university, and established several social and academic projects. I also know him as a head coordinator of a charity project called Better World.»

Knowing Nodirjon closely as a highly motivated person and competent specialist, I do recommend him your graduate studies program. Should you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact me.»

Nodirjon Yusufovning mazkur grantga topshirgan inshosi bilan BU YERDA tanishing.

Boshqa grant dasturlari uchun topshirilgan hujjatlar namunalari bilan muntazam tanishib borish uchun @grantlar_namuna kanaliga a’zo bo’ling.

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