
AQSHning 15 ta universitetiga grant asosida qabul qilingan oʻzbek talabaning universitetga topshirgan hujjatlari



Hujjat namunalari


7638 marta



Usmonov Murodbek – 2003-yil Toshkent shahrida tugʻilgan. Hozirda (2021-yil aprel) Toshkentdagi Turin politexnika universiteti huzuridagi akademik litseyining oxirgi kurs o’quvchisi. 2002-yil dekabrdan 2021-yil martgacha AQSHda joylashgan 23 ta universitetga hujjat topshirgan va ularning 15 tasiga oʻqishga qabul qilingan.

Murodbekni qabul qilgan 15 universitetning barchasi unga maʼlum miqdorda grant ajratgan.

Murodbek universitetlarga topshirishda IELTS 7.0 va SAT 1330 sertifikatlariga boʻlgan. GPA (oʻrtacha bahosi) esa 4,7/5 boʻlgan.

Quyida Murodbekni qabul qilgan universitetlar va ular Murodbekka taklif qilgan grantlar miqdori (4 yil uchun) keltirilgan:

  1. University of South Florida – 24 000$
  2. Arizona State University – 56 000$
  3. Drexel University – 128 400$
  4. Temple University – 40 000$
  5. Baylor University – 64 000$
  6. Florida Institute of Technology – 40 000$
  7. Illinois Institute of Technology – 100 000$
  8. Marquette University – 72 000$
  9. University of Evansville – 122 000$
  10. University of Tulsa – 48 000$
  11. Florida Southern College – 80 000$
  12. Illinois College – 92 000$
  13. Lycoming College – 128 000$
  14. The University of Tampa – 44 000$
  15. University of Massachusetts Lowell – 48 000$

Quyida Murodbek universitetlarga kirish uchun topshirgan hujjatlar (Personal statement, tavsiyanomalar va grant ajratilgani haqidagi xat) bilan tanishasiz.

Personal Statement (Shaxsiy bayon)

It was the red living room with a heavy iron aquarium and a golden fish in it and a TV with a huge screen on it that I adored the most of all the rooms and halls in my house. Unlike regular kids, I would never watch kids’ cartoon channels on TV like Disneyland. Instead, I would switch either Discovery Channel or National Geography and watch «Top gear» with Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May or “Fast N’ Loud” with a great passion and spark in my eyes. I loved how they customized cars for a specific trip and would transfer old wasted cars into a supercar with a totally different look.

My family would call me “Born to be an engineer”, as I could name every detail and mark of cars with no mistake when I was just a 4-year-old kid. I would never play with my toy cars, I would rather deconstruct them reorganizing all the details, and would transfer them into another model of car. Simple light cars would be transformed into a full road car or into a pick-up with the use of plasticine, cardboard, and parts of other toys. One of my masterpieces was transforming Toyota Land Cruiser into an SUV cabriolet with wider fenders, spoiler, and diffuser. In this manner, I tried modeling more developed versions of trucks, motorboats, airplanes, helicopters, and other machines using mechanical motors in it.

Old-fashioned classy cars inspire me to new ideas and designs. Usually, I combine the most beautiful parts of cars into my sketches. Recently, I started developing my hobby into a professional level and learned to sketch the designs of cars using AutoCAD and 3D MAX
applications. Besides, having a deep understanding of the car industry since my childhood, I could predict the direction of car designs that will be in trend in the following years. Nowadays, sketching cars is my favorite activity that allows me to put my ideas into the real world.

My dad is also an engineer with more than 20 years of experience. During the summer holidays I started visiting the factory he works in which he produces different equipment and tools for agricultural needs. During my time being there, I learned all the steps on how to create such items and grasped the secrets of managing his team. Besides, I started learning physics, chemistry, and mathematics with passion and a great desire to utilize them in my future career.

COVID-19 has changed our lives completely. People of medicine suffered the most working in the worst facilities and having difficulty in dealing with a huge volume of patients. Fortunately, last summer I bought a 3D Printer to use in my new projects. During a pandemic, I was able to design special ear wires for face masks with the help of my 3D Printer and started distributing them for free to the hospitals, clinics, and drugstores. I am proud that this gave great convenience and pain relief for those who wear them constantly during the day.

At the moment, I am discovering, learning, and working on myself to become a person who is able to give value and change into the industry of mechanical engineering. Therefore, my foremost goal is to study and acquire all the necessary skills to use in my future career. I believe that studying in the US will have a profound impact on my upbringing and education and will open doors to countless opportunities in my way to success. Mechanical engineering that is offered in the US universities will show me the right way to become a worthy specialist in my field and discover my new talents and abilities that I did not acknowledge before.

Personal Statement tugadi



To Whom it May Concern,

It is my pleasure to recommend Murodbek Usmonov a second year lyceum student ( a twelfth grade compared to ordinary schools) of the
academic lyceum under Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, for admission to any university or educational endeavour, which he may

I know Murodbek since 2018, when I tought him full physics course in Preparatory courses “Real science”, where he prepared for the physics
exam to apply to one of the prestigious academic lyceum in Uzbekistan, where I’m currently working.

I am having the pleasure of having him in my Physics class and can say with certainty that he is highly intelligent and has good analytical skills. His practical applications of physics skills are also very good, and he is doing physics experiments and laboratory works with precise results. I feel confident that he will continue to succeed in his studies.

Murodbek is a dedicated student and thus far his grades have been exemplary. In class, he has proven to be a proactive student who is able
to successfully develop plans and implement them.

In addition, Murodbek is also distinguished by his personal qualities, such as responsibility, respect and a high spirit that continuously overcomes any obstacle he may face.

He also has excellent communication skills. He has shown respect towards his classmates and teachers. He has also demonstrated good team working skills in group assignments.

From noted reputation of excellence at Turin lyceum in many areas, I strongly recommend Murodbek Usmonov. This student’s accomplishments, effort and positive attitudes are to be praised. Murodbek definitely captures the Turin lyceum’s Spirit with flying colours.

(Oʻqituvchining ism-failiyasi)
Physics Teacher
Department of Natural and Mathematical sciences
Academic lyceum under Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent –
Tashkent 100095, Uzbekistan

December 25th of 2020
Written for Murodbek Usmonov

1-tavsiyanoma tugadi



To whom it may concern,

It is my pleasure to recommend Murodbek Usmonov for admission of the best undergraduate programs in US. As his school counselor for the past two years, I have witnessed the exceptional contributions that Murodbek has made to our school community.

Murodbek’s academic accomplishments are especially impressive in robototechnics, 3D designing and engineering. Our colleagues were highly impressed with his accomplishments during COVID-19 pandemic. During lockdown, he managed to 3D design special wires that are attached to face masks to relieve pain. I believe that the skills he acquires will be beneficial in his further academic and professional development.

He is not only an excellent and hard-working student, but also a generous humanitarian who dedicated himself to enriching the lives of students and faculty around him. Murodbek is one of the students who initiated numbers of social events in the lyceum and made the social life of his peers more engaging. For instance, last year he was responsible for organizing the English songs contest at the lyceum. He planned every detail of the event and made the New Years eve much more interactive. Especially the charities that he organizes with his peers for orphan kids in Uzbekistan are worth to note.

I highly recommend Murodbek for his extreme motivation, his unique and original ways to meet any challenges head-on, displaying excellent initiative and self-discipline which consistently set him above his peers. I am more than sure, that his knowledge, talent and an extraordinary personality will bring new ideas, innovations, support, insight, and hard work to his college classes and social community. Please do not hesitate to contact me for any further inquiries.

School counselor

2-tavsiyanoma tugadi

👉 Grant ajratilgani haqidagi xat (University of Evansville)

Usmonov Murodbek bilan qilingan suhbatni BU YERDA oʻqing.

Hujjatlarini bizga ulashgani uchun Murodbekka oʻz minnatdorchiligimizni bildiramiz va kelajakdagi faoliyatida muvaffaqiyat tilaymiz.

error: Ma‘lumotni nusxalash ta‘qiqlangan!