
Erasmus Mundus EPOG+ to’liq grant dasturining suhbat bosqichiga o’tgan nomzodning inshosi



Hujjat namunalari


2476 marta



Ushbu insho Economic Policies for the Global transition (EPOG+) magistratura kursiga topshirilgan. Bu kurs Yevropa bo’ylab bir qancha davlatda to’liq grant va oyiga 1000 yevro stipendiya asosida o’qish imkonini beradi. Insho muallifi saralashning birinchi bosqichidan o’tib, subbat bosqichiga (ikkinchi va oxirgi bosqich) o’tgan.

Insho matni:

«Date: Jan 26, 2021.

Dear EPOG+ Admission committee

My researcher position at the _______ [tashkilot nomi] grants me access to study the current reality of public fund spending, unemployment, hidden economic activity and the state of budget transparency overall in my country. A recent article by our research team analyzed public budget spending of 2020. A list of governmental bodies responsible for ineffective spending were exposed and an estimated 20 million euros targeted at wrong use included expensive cars bought by officials, assimilation of funds for personal use by creating fake work positions and directing remuneration for them, camouflaged costs, etc. Another report by the Prosecutor’s office estimated a 210-million-euro loss of budget funds by ineffective, corrupt spending during 2019-2020. This all happens in the big picture of yet-not-developed a country with many underdeveloped areas, and extremely poor living conditions in many regions, with undersupplied electricity, gas and goods people have the right to enjoy equally everywhere.

Hard to unsee once seen, these facts have shaped my view that budget transparency must be targeted first as a solution. I and my colleagues researched ways to include Uzbekistan to the open Budget Index for 2021 and gave the policy recommendation about ________ [loyiha g’oyasi], which is a project currently at the last stage of review by the _______ [tashkilot nomi]. The UNDP Tashkent office has announced the project too and we are preparing reports for that project.

I’m applying to the EPOG+ (Minor B1 or Minor C2) to study approaches to growth issues and the role of the monetary and fiscal policy in developed countries, particularly in Germany during the first and third semesters. I expect to study econometrics and international regulation and their role in stabilizing finance in France. Since research is a potent, powerful domain, able to help visualize the big picture of the reality, I aim to advance my research activity for my master thesis, which will focus on the role of transparency to eradicate shadow economy in developing countries. I’ll focus on how transparency will help monitor and expose budget spending and I want to choose the economics research center (CEPN) of University Sorbonne Nord or The European Trade Union Institute for my fourth semester because these institutions are the best ones for being an expert in macroeconomics field.

My future goal extends to the _______ [muassasa nomi] in Uzbekistan, where I’ll initiate transparent budget system creation through which to show budget activity right to the public eye. I’ve already been invited to work there and will use their research facilities, voice and scope to visually present both research findings and solutions to public with the help of studies and projects. I am well equipped for an economics course with an interdisciplinary focus on policy and research, since the learning outcomes and objectives EPOG+ Minor B1 or Minor C2 match well with my career goals and academic experience.



[Arizachining ismi]»

Shu va shu kabi hujjat namunalari bilan Telegram ijtimoiy tarmog’idagi @grantlar_namuna kanali orqali tanishing.

error: Ma‘lumotni nusxalash ta‘qiqlangan!