
Janubiy Koreyaning eng nufuzli universitetlaridan biri doktorantura kursiga qabul qilinib, “El-Yurt umidi” to’liq grantini yutgan talabaning hujjatlari



Hujjat namunalari


3307 marta



Bugun e’tiboringizga Janubiy Koreyaning eng nufuzli universitetlaridan biriga doktorantura kursiga qabul qilingan va «El-Yurt umidi» jamg’armasi grantini yutib olgan talabaning hujjatlarini havola qilamiz.

Talaba 2020-yil Yonsei universitetining Iqtisod bo’yicha doktorantura kursiga qabul qilingan. Qabul qilingan payti IELTS 7.5 sertfikatiga ega bo’lgan.

So’ng o’sha yili Yonsei universitetida o’qish uchun «El-yurt umidi» jamg’armasi grantini yutib olgan. Uning o’qishi jamg’arma tomonidan to’liq moliyalashtiriladi.

Yonsei universiteti, QS reytingi bo’yicha, dunyoning eng nufuzli universitetlari ro’yxatida 85-o’rinni egallab turibdi (2021-yil may oyi holatiga ko’ra).

Talabaning Yonsei universitetiga topshirgan quyidagi hujjatlarini e’tiboringizga havola etamiz:

✅ Motivatsiya inshosi (motivation letter)
✅ Tadqiqot rejasi (research plan)
✅ Tavsiyanoma (recommendation letter)
✅ CV

Motivatsiya inshosi (motivation letter) matni:

After completing my master degree program, I understood that I should begin to do research on economics. In my entire studies, I had a great interest in doing research in economics. When I finished my studies, I began my carrier as a teacher at Tashkent Institute of Finance in 2016. Considering my abilities in math and economics, the professors which helped me to finish my diploma work and master degree thesis at Tashkent Institute of Finance advised me to apply for a position at the Department of Statistics at the institute. After I had applied to the department, I was admitted as an assistant teacher at the department. I taught from statistics and econometrics there.

I think that working in the Statistics Department, gave me two important things to do research. First, I have gained much experience and knowledge about the quantitative side of the research. It is important to prove your arguments with the evidence from real-world data, the methods in statistics and econometrics help you to show this evidence with particular reliability. Second, during teaching students and preparing for the lessons I began to give my opinion more confidently and coherently in front of an audience.

One of the best events during my teaching and research carrier is Regional Training Course (Summer School) on Applied Econometric Analysis in 2017. In this summer school, many scholars who came from the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and Westminister International University in Tashkent taught us about the modern econometric tools used in identifying causal relationships. They introduce us to the modern research methodologies and the issues which were widely discussed in the academia of economics. After this program, I decided to do real research in economics with a more robust methodology.

In order to spend more time in research activities, I applied to the Ph.D. program at Tashkent State University of Economics (TSUE) at the beginning of 2018. I began my Ph.D. studies on Econometrics and Statistics at the university. I spent much of the time to learn more about econometric analysis. In parallel, I was also teaching at Tashkent Institute of Finance and later at Yeoju Technical Institute in Tashkent from statistics and econometrics on a part-time basis. At this time, I realized that research techniques and methodology are thriving at the universities abroad. The best way to do the research with good quality and relevance was to continue my studies and research abroad.

During my studies at the university in 2018, the government of Uzbekistan decided to send a group of Ph.D. and master students for Summer Advanced Training Program specialized in the digital economy which held in Keimyung University in Daegu, South Korea. I have been selected as a participant in this program. That course not only gave us basic and contemporary knowledge about the digital economy but also it introduced us to the education environment in Korea. I was so impressed with the education system and the knowledge I obtained.

At the beginning of 2019, « El-yurt umidi» Foundation for training specialists abroad and the dialogue with compatriots under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan announced education grants for the specialists in the higher education of Uzbekistan. My supervisor and administration body of TSUE advised and helped to apply for the grant. That was a great opportunity for me to continue my research abroad. Fortunately, I have been awarded as a winner of the grant which can finance all the expenses of the winners related to the study.

My experience in the Korean university and education together with my strong will to study and to do research in one of the top schools in the field of economics are the main factors which affect my decision to apply for the Economics Department of Seoul National University. I believe that I can join the curious research environment of the department.

Tadqiqot rejasi (research plan) matni:

Nowadays, the necessity for a proper macroeconomic policy is becoming even more important than ever. One of the main reasons is that the global economic environment which is changing so fast is demanding coordination of different economic and financial instruments for a country`s economy to remain stable. Moreover, many developing and underdeveloped countries are also creating their reform programs in their economic systems to increase the welfare and living standards of the people. These reforms are also requiring appropriate position and measures of the countries` economic regulators. Because of these trends, macroeconomic policy is turning into crucial discipline.

The government of Uzbekistan has also been implementing deep economic and social reforms for almost three years. These reforms in our country affected my carrier in two ways. Firstly, during this period I have been teaching and researching in the fields of economics and statistics. Secondly, I have recently been awarded government scholarship to study abroad from El-yurt Umidi Foundation, which has been founded in these reformation years.

I have decided to apply for Yonsei University to study macroeconomic policy. I have chosen this major according to aforementioned relevance of it. I believe that studying macroeconomics is very helpful to continue my carrier as a researcher and to contribute to the development of the economy and democracy of Uzbekistan. During my P.h.D. studies, I am going to investigate the impact of international trade policies of Central Asian countries on macroeconomic stability and economic growth in the region. Since almost all the countries in the region are reforming their international trade and capital policies, it is important to evaluate these reforms` impact on overall economic policy in the region. I am going to study in a P.h.D. program in three stages spending one year for each stage at Yonsei University.

In the first stage, I am going to study the basic courses related to economic research. I have been teaching for three years the subjects related to the quantitative side of the research. However, I think, before beginning research, it is important to learn basic concepts and methodology of the economic science systematically. Therefore, I am going to take following courses in the first year: Microeconomic Analysis 1, Macroeconomic Analysis 1, Mathematical Statistics 1, Studying process for planning to make official statistics. The first two subjects, microeconomic and macroeconomic analysis are fundamental subjects for who wants to research the issues on the macroeconomic policy of a country. Since empirical research and forecasting is also crucial when working on a paper or preparing a research project, I am going to learn statistics more deeply. Moreover, in this stage, I also need to clarify the research question that I will investigate during my study.

Next, I am going to enrich my research skills with more sophisticated concepts in economic analysis. Also, it is important to learn more specific courses for the research question. In order to gain these concepts to investigate the research area more specifically, I think, following courses are useful: Microeconomic analysis 2, Macroeconomic analysis 2, and Econometric analysis 2, Fiscal Policy I, International Economic Policy I, Macroeconomic Policy I. In this stage I am planning to begin to develop my Ph.D. dissertation with the analytical instruments in these courses.

Finally, I want to focus on the research topic more deeply in the last stage. Moreover, to complete the dissertation and to make the findings more reliable and robust, I should learn such advanced topics in macroeconomic policy as Macroeconomic Policy II, Topics in Macroeconomic Policy, Seminar on Macroeconomic Policy II.

I hope that I could gain an opportunity to study and to research in Yonsei University, which is one of the leading universities in the world and Asia. Furthermore, I believe that during my studies, I will cooperate with professors and colleagues and produce meaningful research in the department.


Talabaning ustozi tomonidan yozilgan tavsiyanoma (letter of recommendation) matni:

I have known (talabaning ismi) for five years, I have taught him at Tashkent Institute of Finance from Financial mathematics. First, I appreciate his ability to understand the concepts quickly. This enables him to study a particular topic in a very short period. When I was teaching him and his groupmates in the master program at the institute, he had a special interest in my subject, he could catch the basic principles of the subject. So, sometimes we used to discuss real-world applications of the subject.

Secondly, he is very good at math. I noticed his mathematical aptitude because the subject which I taught at the master program of the institute is a direct application of the math in finance. His mathematical skills helped to understand the topic more deeply. Moreover, during lessons, he always tried to make new suggestions to the real sector of the economy, based on the topics and concepts we are discussing. As a student, he had a very great passion to learn new things, that is why I think, he chose to be a researcher and teacher. Many teachers considered him as a polite and nimble student.

Usually, I used to give him and his groupmates to prepare presentations on a particular topic which is related to real-world applications of the subject I was teaching. In that case, he could lead a group his groupmates to attack the problem at hand and to make an interesting presentation. In this process, his kindness and intelligence helped him to effectively lead and communicate with his groupmates. His essential strengths are his intelligence, his patience to learn and honesty.

If you have any questions regarding Mr. (talabaning ismi), please feel free in contact us by phone (telefon raqami) and e-mail (elektron pochta manzili).

👉 Talabaning universitetga topshirgan CVʼsi

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