
Latviyada yozgi maktab uchun grant yutib olgan o’zbek talabaning inshosi



Hujjat namunalari


1291 marta



Saidahmadjon Maxmudov – 2000-yil Xorazm viloyatida tug’ilgan. Hozir O’zbekiston Milliy Universitetining Taekvando va sport tadbirlarini tashkil qilish va boshqarish yo’nalishi ikkinchi bosqichida davlat granti asosida tahsil oladi.

Saidahmadjon Latviyaning University of Turiba universitetida bo’lib o’tadigan yozgi maktab uchun umumiy qiymati 700 yevroga teng grant yutib olgan. U grantga hujjat tayyorlashda @grantlar_namuna jamoasidan bevosita maslahat va ko’mak olgan talabalardan biri.

Quyida Saidahmadjon topshirgan insho bilan tanishasiz.

Insho matni:

«I strive to learn to accept difference, which is trained by living with people of different nationalities, learn their philosophy of life, the way their nation deals with universal experiences and how different approaches to life taken in hundreds of countries still work.

I have been taking all the relevant opportunities around me to develop myself personally and professionally: I have got a full scholarship as a top 1% student to study at the #1 university in Uzbekistan thanks to my international achievements in sports, recently been selected for the “Young Manager” training program on a full scholarship among the top 8% Uzbek youth, been nominated as the “Student of the Year” at my university once and have also participated in numerous conferences across Uzbekistan. I have also applied to the Global UGRAD program and am waiting for an invitation for an interview. When I found out about the Business and Communication summer school offered by a leading university in Latvia, I felt the urge to apply, as this will be my first experience in Europe.

Since I am master sport, I have been to numerous countries, especially across Asia and the Americas, to attend international karate competitions. I have gained strong tolerance, understanding, communication and emotional intelligence training with hundreds of international athletes. I have also been a part of the #1 Karate school in Uzbekistan as a master coach for 4 years, which has allowed me to learn how to lead the sport school’s marketing activity, business activity, finances as well as how we approach our customers. As a coach, I have had the opportunity to glean into the psychology of hundreds and thousands of people throughout the years, learning how important it is for me to efficiently convey my messages with stellar communication skills. I have also realized through practice that I need to learn from the leading experts in the business sphere to learn the more effective ways to do business. Since I have practical experience both in business (4 years) and communication (5 years), I feel I a ready to complement my self development with the help of professionals specially trained to teach these. The business and communication summer school provides me this opportunity to explore Latvia, learn communication and business in a proper way from masters (instead of my usual trial-and-error approach) so I can become a better manager and leader.

I have never experienced the way of life in Latvia beyond the superficial information I have gained through the media, so I feel I am ready to visit this beautiful country and form my own views of it by learning more about the culture, people, social norms, language, geography and cuisine there. I am convinced that this will improve my overall outlook and soft skills greatly besides training my knowledge in the area the school focuses on.

I already study management and have had some experience and basics about the sphere taught at my university. However, the experience of learning my major in an international environment will add more soft skills and challenge.»

Shu va shu kabi hujjat namunalari bilan Telegram ijtimoiy tarmog’idagi @grantlar_namuna kanalida tanishing.


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