
Rigadagi yozgi maktabga qatnashish uchun Latviya hukumati grantini yutgan oʻzbek talaba hujjatlari



Hujjat namunalari


4220 marta



Omon Ochilov – hozirda (2021-yil aprel) I.M. Gubkin nomidagi Rossiya davlat neft va gaz universitetining Toshkent shahridagi filialining 4-bosqich talabasi. Omon 2021-yilda Latviyaning poytaxti Riga shahrida boʻlib oʻtadigan “Bioeconomy. Sustainable Use of Biological Resources” nomli yozgi maktabda qatnashish uchun Latviya hukumati stipendiyasini yutib olgan.

Grant yozgi maktabda qatnashish haqini (turar joy, oziq-ovqat, leksiya va seminarlar, ekskursiyalar hamda madaniy mashgʻulotlar toʻlovini) toʻliq qoplab beradi. Biroq talaba borish va qaytish uchun aviachipta, viza, sugʻurta xarajatlarini oʻzi qoplashi kerak. Yozgi maktab 2021-yilning 28-iyunidan 7-iyuligacha Riga texnika universitetida boʻlib oʻtadi.

Quyida Omon ushbu stipendiya uchun topshirgan hujjatlar (motivatsiya xati va talabalikni tasdiqlovchi maʼlumotnoma) bilan tanishasiz.

OGOHLANTIRISH: inshodan faqat o’rganish maqsadida foydalaning. Boshqa shaxsning inshosini ko’chirib, oʻziniki sifatida topshirilgan holatlar (plagiat) maxsus dasturlar orqali aniqlanadi va arizaning rad etilishiga olib keladi.

Motivation Letter (Motivatsiya xati)

Dear Sir\Madam,

Even though I am about to start my career in the petroleum industry, which by far is the largest contributor to climate change, I recognize that there is no future for our planet unless it is carbon-free and sustainable. Climate change is real, and its existence can no more be denied.

In this context, I particularly admire the concept of 17 SDGs that has been driving the countries and companies to become more responsible in their activities. International oil companies like BP, Shell, Total, and others are no exception. To make students at my university aware of such transformations in the world, back in 2018 – 2019 I introduced discussion series on SDGs while I was running Petro English Club at the student chapter of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) in my university. The club would gather 15-20 students every week in a lively conversation about the oil and gas industry and ongoing transformations. Last year, when I became the president of the chapter, I made sure that the club continued such talks by designing several sessions related to renewable energy sources and sustainability. As a result, we were able to hold more than 30 sessions so far and surely motivated our students to think “greener” and even encourage some of them to apply for master’s degrees in renewable energy.

Speaking of my motivation to apply, I would like to start with an issue that concerns me the most in my country: uneven energy distribution. Basic utilities like electricity, heat, and natural gas are available only in bigger cities and there is no infrastructure to distribute them to remote areas, where millions of people reside without any power, heat, and gas. To my mind, a great solution would be to use the bioresources that those regions have in excess since all of them are engaged in the agricultural sector. According to 2020 stats, Uzbekistan has produced over 7.5 million tons of wheat and its annual production of cotton surpasses 3 million tons. The crops’ straws and other agricultural waste could be converted into biofuels like ethanol, methanol, and biogas that in turn could supply clean, renewable, and reliable energy to generate power, provide fuel to vehicles, and heat homes, improving lives of rural communities. While biofuels are more expensive in general, I believe, if coupled with solar and wind energy, which are gaining momentum in the country, prices could become reasonably low. With a vast agricultural sector and abundant solar and wind energy, Uzbekistan could significantly benefit from deploying waste-to-energy (WTE) technologies on a local and regional scale.

I’m not sure I can solve this problem, but I want to try. Coming years, I would like to work on a start-up focused on providing WTE technologies to rural communities. To accomplish such a goal, I will need a strong intellectual basis in bioenergy fundamentals and research methodologies, which I hope to gain by joining this summer school. Considering my strong education in oil and gas chemistry, petroleum technology, and engineering in general, I believe I possess the needed background to successfully pass the course. Participating in it, I could thoroughly learn about bioenergy technologies and later adopt them in Uzbekistan through my project. A rich experience of Latvia in utilizing wood waste would be a valuable takeaway and will equip me with the needed skills and instruments to develop the bioeconomy in Uzbekistan. Spreading the knowledge among my peers and using the gained network from the school, I would be able to create a team for my start-up and eventually motivate the younger generation to yield the benefits of bioeconomy for the sustainable future of my country. I am determined to witness that during my lifetime.

Thanks for considering my application. I hope to hear from you soon.

Kind regards,
Omon Ochilov

Motivatsiya xati tugadi.

👉 Talabalikni tasdiqlovchi maʼlumotnoma

Hujjatlari bilan boʻlishgani uchun Omon Ochilovga oʻz minnatdorchiligimizni bildiramiz.

error: Ma‘lumotni nusxalash ta‘qiqlangan!