
Sankt-Peterburg davlat universitetiga grant asosida qabul qilingan oʻzbek talaba hujjatlari



Hujjat namunalari


4515 marta



Usmonova Durdona – 18 yoshda, bu yil 11-sinfni tamomlagan. Durdona bu yil Rossiya Federatsiyasida joylashgan Sankt-Peterburg davlat universitetining “Menejment” yoʻnalishiga (bakalavr) toʻliq grant asosida qabul qilindi. Grant kontrakt summasidan butunlay ozod qiladi va 2000 rubl oylik stipendiya bilan taʼminlaydi.

Durdona ingliz tilida oʻqish uchun topshirgan. Topshirgan vaqtdagi koʻrsatkichlari quyidagicha boʻlgan:
– IELTS 6.0
– Rus tili boʻyicha B2 sertifikat
– 9- va 11-sinfda rus tili fani boʻyicha fan olimpiadasida 3-oʻrin

Mazkur universitet, 2021-yil holatiga koʻra, dunyoning eng nufuzli oliygohlari roʻyxatida 242-oʻrinni egallab turibdi. Rossiyaning oʻzida esa kuchli 5 talikka kiradi.

Quyida Durdonaning qabul uchun topshirgan motivatsiya inshosi va baholari bilan tanishasiz.

OGOHLANTIRISH: hujjatlardan faqat o’rganish maqsadida foydalaning. Boshqa shaxsning hujjatlarini ko’chirib, o’ziniki sifatida taqdim etish plagiarizm hisoblanadi va osonlik bilan aniqlanib, arizaning rad etilishiga olib keladi.

Motivatsiya inshosi

I am applying to the Saint Petersburg State University to study International Management for bachelor’s degree in order to learn how to help companies grow internationally. I intend to gain a solid understanding and practice in international expansion, management and marketing strategies during studies. My professional goal is to launch my own education company and expand it globally. My academic goal is to become an expert in international management by studying it at undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate levels as well as contributing to the research in this area. My personal ambition is to contribute to the professional development of the people interested in computer science, education and other spheres of education.

The goals and aspirations I mentioned above were inspired by my primary, secondary and high school experiences participating in various competitions, contests and projects that cultivated a sense of ambition in me. Since I have a sharp, analytical mind, I have always performed outstandingly in math and language studies. My quantitative, analytical and language skills were demonstrated as I won the first place in the II International Online Olympiad in Russian twice, was announced the winner 5 times in a row in the regional Olympiad held among school students in 7-11 grades, won bronze medals in two categories of the Uzbekistan National Mnemonics Championship and got the 7th place overall in this same championship.

Preparing for and participating in these events boosted my knowledge in in Russian, sharpened my memory and introduced me with hundreds of young, bright-minded students. As my network of like-minded people expanded, I started joining them in their leadership endeavors. Forming a team with many of the finalists of the competitions I had participated in and people I had met elsewhere, I challenged my creativity, willpower and knowledge in various competitions and events, such as the Creative Spark Big Idea Challenge 2021, ”Challenge me out” ‘Online start up weekend” and Technovation Girls competition. Participating in these events, I took various responsibilities as a part of my teams, including being the project manager, team leader, analyst and main speaker. While preparing for these competitions, I developed my knowledge in management, business, computer science, communication and humanities, which helped me develop my own business idea.

While choosing a career, I have reflected upon my experiences and realized I had chosen to study the subjects I did and participate in the competitions I did due to my natural, innate passion for international business, management and project management. It was that sense for adventure and ambition that had urged me to learn to speak a different language, calculate and form an idea, craft a plan for implementation and work for ways to implement. I had been wired to business, management and international experiences before I could know it.

So, I decided to study international management for my first degree. Since I have been exposed to education and computer science fields a lot from a young age, I have long held the idea to create a massive education company offering computer science and language courses to people all over the world. Since I have first-hand experience in project management and strategy making by participating in various simulation competitions and volunteering at an IT startup company, I will be able to connect the theoretical aspects of international management with the experience I already have and the experience I will gain later during the internships and semesters abroad. I aim to learn international growth, market entry strategies, marketing, adjustment and cultural adaptation strategies for international businesses during studies. I will apply my knowledge into practice by managing my own company in the future and enriching my knowledge studying further at the graduate school too.

I have chosen the Saint Petersburg State University for as my dream university due to its majestic look, culture and stable economy. Since I have grown up speaking Russian and studying with native Russian speakers, been to the Russian Federation on vacations several times and fallen in love with their culture, I feel attracted to this country to explore its culture and educational power further. The Saint Petersburg State University attracted me among other universities by the curriculum of the international management program which includes semesters abroad and internship programs. As I have been looking for programs that combined practice, cultural immersion and international experience, the program is a perfect match for all of my goals.

In turn, I will contribute back to this university by enriching the student body with my leadership and ambassadorial activities besides academic excellence. I will be honored to be one of the top student’s on the Dean’s list and a proud alumnus one day!

👉🏻 Durdonaning baholari

Hujjatlarini boʻlishgani uchun Durdonaga oʻz minnatdorchiligimizni bildiramiz va uning kelajakdagi faoliyatida muvaffaqiyat tilaymiz.

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