
Stipendium Hungaricum grantini magistratura uchun yutib olgan talaba inshosi



Hujjat namunalari


3155 marta



Nodirjon Yusufov Vengriyada to’liq grant asosida o’qish imkonini beruvchi Stipendium Hungaricum grantini yutgan o’zbekistonlik talabalardan biri. Quyida u arizasida topshirgan insho bilan tanishishingiz mumkin.

ESLATMA: keltirilgan insho nomzod tomonidan tayyorlangan rasmiy hujjatdir va undan faqat namuna sifatida foydalanish mumkin. Boshqalar tomonidan inshoning o’z hujjatlari sifatida ta’lim dasturlariga topshirilishi plagiat hisoblanadi hamda o’ziniki sifatida taqdim etgan nomzodlarni dasturga qabul qilish avtomatik tarzda rad etiladi.

Insho uchun savol: 

One of the most important parts of your application is the motivation letter. Its goal is to introduce your background and support your application. In short, its goal is to answer the question:

“Why are you a suitable candidate?”

Write in a clear and logical manner: remember, the way you write and present yourself says a lot about you.

Some points that may help you answer this question:

  • Why have I chosen to apply to this programme?
  • Why did you apply to study in Hungary?
  • What do I expect to gain from my studies?
  • Why does my background make me a suitable candidate?
  • How will the programme help me to achieve my goals?
  • How does your proposed study relate to a particular development challenge or need at the global, national, and/or local level?
  • How will you apply your new skills and qualifications when you return home?
  • What challenges would you expect to encounter while studying in a foreign country, and how could you prepare for these challenges?


Dear Sir/Madam,

My full name is Nodirjon Yusufov and I am a leading specialist in (tashkilot nomi)_____ . I am writing this letter to apply for Stipendium Hungaricum program for graduate studies. I am expected to receive my Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from (universitet nomi)_____, in spring of 2019 and planning to pursue Master of Science degree in Engineering Management in the University of Debrecen.

Currently, Uzbekistan is undergoing new reforms and development under the initiative of the new president, especially in the sphere of modern technologies and innovation. Last year, the main governmental body who is responsible for positive improvements in the sphere of science and technology – the Ministry of Innovative Development was established. Under the governance of the Ministry, number of innovation centers, laboratories and techno parks are currently being funded, in order to integrate science, technology and production. This period of rapid changes can only be managed by experienced professionals with a broad range of expertise and knowledge of global practice. This is the main drive for me to seek for a Master’s degree abroad, which combines the spheres of engineering and management. Fortunately, Uzbekistan started participating in Stipendium Hungaricum program from this year, and it opened up an opportunity for me to apply for international Master’s programs, learn foreign experience and come back to become a huge part of reforms.

I have acquired solid background of natural sciences during my studies in (universitet nomi)____ under a profound European bachelor’s curriculum in Mechanical Engineering. The program provided me with a solid foundation in STEM through the classes of Physics, Calculus, Linear Algebra, Computer science, as well as strong engineering background through advanced classes of Materials Science, Manufacturing Processes and Industrial Plants and Project Management. Apart from excelling in lectures and seminars, in order to enhance my employment capability and to apply my theoretical knowledge in practice, I interned in the university (tashkilot nomi)___ for two years, working on different commercial projects. (Tashkilot nomi)____ also invited me to participate in two-week internship program as an assistant-engineer in summer of 2016 and there I acquired firsthand experience in dealing with car design. My exemplary academic records and rich internship experience attracted the attention of (tashkilot nomi)___ LLC, innovation center established in my university. Right after the graduation, I was offered a position of an assistant manager in commercialization and this is when I understood that I can be successful professional in technology management. After two months of paid internship in (tashkilot nomi)___, I was officially employed by the (tashkilot nomi)____ as a specialist of the abovementioned department.

There are strong reasons behind my confidence in my candidacy for this scholarship. Firstly, I have gained amazing leadership skills working as a president of Students’ Union of my university for two consecutive years. Organizing different scientific and social projects I learned how to be a great team player, exemplary leader and motivating public speaker. Another once in a lifetime experience I had was winning the Global UGRAD exchange program funded by the US Department of State, which allows only 6 outstanding community leaders from Uzbekistan to study a semester in the United States under scholarship basis. My Global UGRAD experience took part in (universitet nomi)___ and I finished the semester in Honors List with 3.75/4.0 GPA. Studying in the international community of students with different background of culture, religion and beliefs, gave me a chance to become open-minded, diligent and tolerant individual.

Stating all of my motivation, knowledge and experience, I think, I am a promising candidate for Stipendium Hungaricum for graduate studies. If given an opportunity, my dedication and contribution will be a valuable asset for the development of innovation and technologies in Uzbekistan. I appreciate your time for considering my application.

Kind regards,
Nodirjon Yusufov.

Nodirjon Yusufovga mazkur dasturda qatnashish uchun ustozlari tomonidan berilgan tavsiyanomalar bilan BU YERDA tanishing.

Boshqa grant dasturlari uchun topshirilgan hujjatlar namunalari bilan muntazam tanishib borish uchun @grantlar_namuna kanaliga a’zo bo’ling

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