
Chevening to’liq grant dasturining hujjat topshirish bosqichidan muvaffaqiyatli o’tgan o’zbek talabasining insholari!



Hujjat namunalari


2939 marta



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Quyida Buyuk Britaniyada 1 yil magistratura kursini o’qish uchun beriladigan eng nufuzli grant dasturlaridan biri – Chevening grantiga hujjat topshirib, suhbat (intervyu) bosqichiga o’tgan o’zbekistonlik talabaning insholari bilan tanishasiz.

Eslatma: Grantga saralash ikki bosqichdan iborat bo’ladi. Birinchi bosqichda nomzodlar topshirgan insho va boshqa hujjatlari asosida baholanadi. Ikkinchi boshqichda esa suhbat bo’ladi.


Chevening is looking for individuals who will be future leaders or influencers in their home countries. Explain how you meet this requirement, using clear examples of your own leadership and influencing skills to support your answer (minimum word count: 100 words, maximum word count: 500 words)

Talabaning inshosi:

As inherent for most post-soviet-union countries educations systems, our schools were not concentrated on developing soft skills, such as communication, networking or leadership. Major leap for my personal development as a future leader was made during my university Personal Development and Business Management courses. Organizing peer reviews of course works, revision and explanatory sessions to course mates empowered my leadership commitments with great level of self-confidence. Heated  debates on various social, economic and political issues held at those sessions went far beyond classroom walls and motivated me to express my opinion to wider audience in Facebook and Linkedin pages later in professional career.

Being the only legal counsel at ________ [muassasa nomi], I managed legal work with diligence and never had outstanding tasks. After a year in the company I was trusted to manage the contract administration department with five employees and introduced KPI based semi-annual bonus mechanism. The newly introduced management structure and outstanding performance of contract administration team led to an offer from the Chairman of the Board to head the new project planning to be initiated together with a foreign investor from the ______ [davlat nomi] in _______ [viloyat nomi] region.

Managing all stages of sparkling water production line project as the general director, I gathered a team of engineers, product and trade mark designers, drinking water technicians, accountants and manual labor workers. From the initial stages of the project implementation I understood the special requirements towards transparency, accountability and performance to our foreign shareholder and successfully delivered those requirements to my team. Despite initial hostility of local labor due to my young age and origins, I quickly gained their trust and acceptance with my frequent visits to the construction area, joint foreign trips in search of equipment and team-building activities.

En route to professional and personal development later in 2017 I joined the team of _______ [muassasa nomi] to support the project started in _______ [viloyat nomi] region. What initially began as textile mill with spinning and weaving lines, later transformed to vertically integrated cotton and textile production cluster with ten thousand hectares of cotton land, its own machine and tractor fleet and around 3 500 employees. Apart from my legal work, procurement, work on loan facilities and implementation of IFC Social Performance Standards, I was appointed as the project manager for implementation of cotton ginning and agri-mechanical services projects.

The most challenging part of the project implementation was directly connected with drivers of trucks, construction vehicles and tractors. Considering the difficulty of search for skilled labor in such remote area, the company could not afford dismissals even after large amounts of fuel theft and work on the side by the drivers and vehicle operators. Instead, after a voting in a joint meeting with the drivers and operators, I contracted a company to install fuel level sensors and GPS monitoring devices to effectively control fuel consumption and location of vehicles. This practice together with incentive-based pay schemes allowed me to effectively manage the team of around 150 employees.


Chevening is looking for individuals with strong professional relationship-building skills, who will engage with the Chevening community and influence and lead others in their chosen profession. Please explain how you build and maintain relationships in a professional capacity, using clear examples of how you currently do this, and outline how you hope to use these skills in the future. (minimum word count: 100 words; maximum word count: 500 words)

Talabaning inshosi:

Employment requirements in most Uzbekistan companies do not commonly include consideration of level of degree received from university. Despite this, I had the opportunity to study in one of the most requiring universities in my country and complete it with upper second-class honors degree. Being one of the best at the university meant sacrificing my jobs, internships and professional relationship building activities where I learned the most valuable lessons of professional career. With this in mind, I managed well to balance between class lectures, course deadlines and networking events.

One of the most memorable events affecting my further relationship and understanding of networking for a professional was Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II birthday celebration. After participation in Model G8 Summit organized by the British Embassy in Tashkent, I was invited to the official reception held in the residence of HE George Edgar. This event was detrimental for my future career as a legal professional, since I met the Managing Partner of _______ [muassasa nomi] Mr. ­­­­­________ [xodimning ismi], who was invited to the reception as Warwick University alumni. Having previously interviewed me for an internship position at ________ [muassasa nomi], Mr. ________ [ism] was further convinced in my social and networking skills and forwarded me his positive decision the next day after the event.

In order to develop and maintain professional relationships, I frequently participate in start-up discussions of _______ [universitet nomi] students and alumni, where business enthusiasts require legal consultation on matters as business registration, licensing procedures, legislative initiative or land allocation by the government. Successful results of our joint work through start-up consultations are ________ [bir nechta startap kompaniya nomlari]. In order to further enhance alumni interaction, _______ [universitet nomi]  organizes annual Alumni Reunions, guest lectures and other social events that I frequently participate to stay updated on most innovative production and services start-ups.

Another beneficial method I employ is participation in professional and business events such as Tashkent Law Spring, forums and seminars held by ________ [muassasa nomlari] or trainings organized by _______ [tashkilot nomi] of Uzbekistan. Invitations to legal and other professional events are often received through Linkedin or Lawyers.uz community networks. With business, production and legal experience I communicate very well with professionals with various backgrounds discovering new opportunities for myself. Additionally, keeping my Schengen and Korean visas updated on an annual basis I remain mobile to participate in events organized by foreign partner companies.

During my higher education and professional career, I noticed that nothing brings professionals and businesses closer than common interest. Participation in major social sports events like marathons, skyrunning or cycling brings together a boiling pot of like-minded sports enthusiasts, among which there are lawyers, businessmen and even government officials. Being active member of all locally held half-marathons, cycling and skyrunning events, I try to make new contacts through follow-up e-mails or phone calls.


Outline why you have selected your chosen three university courses, and explain how this relates to your previous academic or professional experience and your plans for the future. Please do not duplicate the information you have entered on the work experience and education section of this form (minimum word count: 100 words, maximum word count: 500 words)

Talabaning inshosi:

With recent increase in production and services market, businesses in Uzbekistan are now in thirst for more structured, convenient and internationally widespread financing mechanisms. To achieve ambitious economic and fiscal targets, the government has launched the process of privatization of state assets.

In order to be right within the privatization process, to have a say in the matters affecting public interest and to include my contribution towards the transparency of the procedure, I joined the team responsible for IPOs of two largest state enterprises. With my intentions to lead this process, LLM course integrated with finance would give me expertise and insight to bring best practices in the UK into the country. Taking into account that London Stock Exchange is being considered as one of the main places for the IPOs, the choice of UK as my graduate degree destination is strongly justified.

My bachelor’s dissertation on topic: ‘Use of English law in Uzbek corporate transactions’ concentrated on exploration of the peculiar features of English law which make it lucrative to companies in Uzbekistan when carrying out transactions and analyzed whether similar concepts can be included into Uzbek legislation. Considering that almost all foreign finance and public offering documentation in Uzbekistan being construed under English law, the need for further comparative research in narrow area of finance and securities is urgent as ever. Therefore, with the knowledge gained through LLM, I intend to continue the research in line with practical work on corporate financing and the IPOs.

LSE LLM degree with specialism in Banking law and financial regulation is chosen as my first choice resulting from careful analysis of courses offering an integration of law and finance. Compulsory course of Legal Research and Writing Skills assessed through a dissertation would give me opportunity to continue the abovementioned research. Comparative legal analysis of finance and securities regulations in my dissertation would hopefully provide opportunity to work closely with professor ________ [professorning ismi], whose books are standard text for the field of Securities Regulations. Apart from Professor ________’s course and dissertation, I intend to take International Financial Regulation and Regulation: Strategies and enforcement courses.

Oxford University with its uniquely constructed course of MSc in Law and Finance would put me into the boiling pot of bright-minded and creative-thinking individuals both from legal and finance backgrounds. The fact that the course is led by legal academic thinking and informed both by legal and finance practitioners makes the course my strong second choice. Further, carefully constructed structure jointly with Saïd Business School with practitioners in corporate transactions gives the course distinguished credibility in legal world. Core modules together with elective modules in Asset Management and Capital Raising and Finance offered at MSc course would entirely fulfill my requirements towards my career plans.

Queen Mary LLM program in Banking and Finance Law offers almost all of the same courses mentioned above and truly ranked as the second best LLM in Banking, Finance and Securities specialism in UK and thus has been set as my third choice.


Chevening is looking for individuals who have a clear post-study career plan. Please outline your immediate plans upon returning home and your longer term career goals. You may wish to consider how these relate to what the UK government is doing in your country. (minimum word count: 100 words, maximum word count: 500 words)

Talabaning inshosi:

Uzbekistan now stands in the start of long-awaited political, industrial, construction and services boom with the new political discourse targeted by the newly formed executive institute led by president Shavkat Mirziyoyev. With greatly underdeveloped equity market and difficult access to foreign loan markets, businesses have only a few options to attract cash as working capital or to initiate investment projects. Traditionally, the loan market has included long and short-term credit financing in national currency or one of the most popular foreign currencies and recent trend introduced structured foreign financing with Export Credit Agency coverage. To attract capital for investment projects, infrastructure and recovery of underdeveloped sectors of economy, the government of the country has targeted new stream of activities that include pre-export and pre-payment financing of commodities, emission of sovereign bonds, emission of state-owned enterprises’ corporate bonds and initial public offering of stocks in state-owned enterprises on international stock markets.

Recent Uzbekistan sovereign bond emission in London Stock Exchange revealed that market of legal services in Uzbekistan lacks legal specialists in securities, finance and capital markets. Considering that Uzbekistan was represented by White and Case London Capital Markets team and the arrangers by Linklaters, two prominent local companies: Centil Law firm and Kinstellar represented the issuer and the arrangers only with legal matters concerning Uzbek legislation.

With my strong desire to be part of the two major IPOs planned Uzbekistan, I intend to continue my commitment towards the company which I am currently employed in. My ambition towards the position of Director for Capital Markets department would be academically backed by the Masters degree in law and finance and practical interactions with academic staff and legal corporate transaction practitioners would add additional credibility to my experience gained within a year of Chevening Scholarship period.

In order to keep my commitment towards networking through participation in start-up discussions establishing a non-profit organization aimed at provision of pro bono services to start-up enthusiasts would be one of my short-term goals. Considering the importance of information technologies and social networks, setting up a webpage together with accounts in Linkedin and Facebook including start-up legal advice, documentation drafts and podcasts with established legal and related field specialists would provide for wider audience for the non-profit organization.

With a view to further develop my contribution to the growth of the country, I intend to attain civil service position in the State Agency for the Development of Capital Markets or the State Assets Management Agency. I truly believe that my graduate degree education together with relative experience in the capital markets and securities would be of valuable addition to the team of American educated head of the State Agency for the Development of Capital Markets. Further, having certain level of civil service experience, I plan to run for an elected position in the parliament of the Republic of Uzbekistan from Uzbekistan Liberal-Democratic party and concentrate on Committee on Budget and Economic Reforms with their work in finance, securities and banking regulation.


Shu kabi hujjat namunalari bilan Telegram ijtimoiy tarmog’idagi @grantlar_namuna kanalida tanishing.


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