
Yevropada o’qish uchun Erasmus Mundus to’liq grantini yutgan hamyurtimizning insho va tavsiyanomalari



Hujjat namunalari


1270 marta



Eslatma: hujjatlardan faqat o’rganish maqsadida foydalaning. Ularni o’ziniki sifatida taqdim etish plagiarizm hisoblanadi va arizaning rad etilishiga olib keladi. 

Hujjatlari keltirilgan talaba Erasmus Mundus dasturlaridan biri – Advanced Systems Dependability Erasmus Mundus  (DEPENDS) qo’shma magistratura kursiga to’liq grant asosida qabul qilingan. Bu dasturga hujjatlar qabuli hozirgi kunda butunlay to’xtatilgan.

Talabaning motivatsiya inshosi

To whom it may concern,

I am pleased to write to you to apply for the Erasmus mundus DEPEND programme for the year 2020-2021. I am ____________ [talabaning ismi], a graduate of Bachelor of Software Engineering from Tashkent University of Information Technologies last year (2019). Currently, I am employed at  ____________ [kompaniya nomi], a South Korean IT company here in Uzbekistan as a web developer.

From my early school years, I was  really passionate about Math and Physics. In fact, I was the top student in these subjects at school and won several regional competitions.

I got introduced to computer programming when I was 12 years old and realized that this is really what I love to do. This interest compelled me to apply to Tashkent University of Information Technologies, a prestigious university in my country. Despite the low acceptance rate which was about 5% and strong competition, I was accepted with a government funded full scholarship. During my studies, I was really interested in algorithms which made «Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures» my favorite subject then. In addition, I participated in a number of competitive programming contests. Also, as soon as I entered university, with my university’s consent, I was employed as a part-time system administrator of Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sport. During my whole working experience, I never felt like I am working because I was doing what I really love to. Plus, I was happy that I was also paid for it.

Personally, I always look for new challenges and try to improve my knowledge and skills everyday. That’s one of the main reasons why I chose the Erasmus mundus DEPEND programme because the subjects taught in this highly esteemed programme match my interest and my previous background. I am expecting to enrich my knowledge to the next level through this program that offers a multicultural environment. I consider myself an open-minded person and I will be very glad to make friends and learn from and with people from other countries. Moreover, despite being a fresh graduate, I already have five-year work experience in the IT industry.

My aim is to finish the programme successfully and fulfill all the requirements of the hosting university. I am absolutely sure that your programme will immensely have a positive impact on me as an individual and in my future career. I believe my experience and background has given me skills to be a worthy student and I would be very glad to be a part of your programme.

Thank you very much for your consideration. Should you need any additional information, feel free to contact me at _________ [telefon raqami] or email me at __________ @gmail.com.

Yours sincerely,

____________ [talabaning ismi].


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