
Global UGRAD dasturining suhbat bosqichiga o’tgan talabaning hujjatlari



Hujjat namunalari


790 marta



Quyida AQShda bir semestr davomida to’liq grant asosida o’qish imkonini beruvchi Global UGRAD grant dasturiga topshirilgan insholar bilan tanishasiz.

Dasturga saralash 2 bosqichdan iborat:

1. Hujjatlar skriningi. Bu bosqichda nomzodlar insholari, tavsiyanomalari va boshqa hujjatlari asosida saralanadi.

2. Suhbat. Bu bosqichda nomzodlar suhbatda berilgan javoblar asosida saralanadi. Suhbatdan o’tgan finalistlar esa TOEFL IBT imtihonini topshiradi.

Ushbu insholar muallifi suhbatga taklif qilingan (kam sonli) nomzodlardan biri bo’lgan. 

Eslatma: insholardan o’rganish maqsadida foydalaning. Boshqa shaxsning hujjatlari matnini ko’chirib, o’ziniki sifatida topshirish plagiarizm hisoblanadi. Plagiarizm aniqlangan arizalar rad etiladi.

1-insho savoli: The Global UGRAD Program is for young leaders committed to serving their home communities. Why would you be a great participant in the Global UGRAD Program?

Insho matni:

I think people’s life motivations and interests are inspired by the experiences that have deeply touched their emotions. My brother dreams about becoming a doctor, because he has broken his jaw twice in a boxing match, his leg once when practicing jumping and had almost fatal car accident when he was younger. He believes that if doctors did not exist, he would not have been so healthy today. I have decided to be a lawyer through life experiences. I have done martial arts (kick-boxing) for 12 years now, and have participated in numerous competitions. My fights have been unfairly scored a lot and I have taken the second places many times and I deserved the first. When I was a child, my father’s friend borrowed money from our business and never returned it, denying ever taking it. I have hated injustice all my life and have been motivated to study law to set justice all my life. I believe the best way to help people fight against injustice is to teach them their rights. 

When the American society challenged their previous president, I saluted them. Not because I had personally negative views on this, but because I was impressed by their braveness. They tried to impeach their president, not being afraid and believing in their own preferences. The Americans have fought against each other in a way any society with opposing parties does, and they have managed to elect a minority (woman + color) to their government. I want to go and see the country where people are not afraid to rely on law. Because the law is reliable there indeed. When the people managed to provoke the black lives matter movement after the police brutality on a black citizen, I was impressed to see how a society can set its own justice when people fight people by law and voice. I want to learn the views of American people, learn how much political studies are immersed in their everyday life and how they respond to the legal and political reality of their country instead of trying to avoid politics. 

I have tried to call attention to law around me as much as I can. I have talked about it during the online International Youth Forum last year when I participated. When I join the regular debates at the Tashkent University of Law, I raise the topic of legal literacy and try to come up with strategies. However, I do not know how the societies with high democracy, legal order work. I have never had my personal experiences in countries with higher democracy and stronger law. How can I come up with solutions when all I have is theories? The only way is to see and reflect. I want to experience this through the Global UGRAD program and get the opportunity to change my own mindset, widen my own understanding of societies with better legal compliance and teaching law there. I want to do a research career in law and do legal literacy as my academic interest. I will contribute to the development of Uzbekistan by teaching people of their rights and how to activate law when they are in trouble. I want to use the power of media to promote legal literacy, so my first step will be to open my vlog on YouTube and share my thoughts of American legal situation and people’s literacy during studying in the US. When I come back, I will write my own research article on legal literacy in the USA.

2-insho savoli: Everyone’s approach to leadership is different. How would you describe your personal leadership style? What values do you consider the most important when leading others? How do you inspire and influence others to get behind your vision?

Insho matni:

“It is impossible until it is possible” is my motto in life. Because I am fond of unusual, unexplored ideas, many people keep picking on me commenting on the things I read about and fight for. During the law debate at my university last session, one of my friends told me to be a “realist” and do not expect to change Uzbekistan being a lawyer. However, I know that the things we cannot believe will be available to work for when we see them in reality the FIRST time. So, it is impossible or unreal until it happens the FIRST time.

And the people who have a popular job and do something unusual for that general profile, do change stereotypes. They give people the “it seems to work this way too” style realizations. My way of leadership is doing babysteps toward different and better things so people can look at me and realize they can go a different way if they want to.

I have been the FIRST lawyer athlete in my group to do martial arts and win the Uzbekistan championship in kick-boxing. I encourage my friends to do martial arts to become better lawyers, because fighting physical fight helps people to realize their safety is fragile. This has helped me to understand why law is critical. Everything is interconnected. Because I have been the Uzbekistan champion twice, I am my coach’s assistant in teaching kick-boxing to children. When I teach it, I focus on the rules, what to do when the opponent does something unfair or how to avoid penalties. I have been very concentrated on studies and sport, so I have not tried education abroad opportunities before.

I have been the FIRST in my family to get university education. Even though I had to fail university entrance exams twice and take a part time job to pay my contract fee, I have been the first to prefer to invest in intangibles rather than a business. The FIRST people always lead the SECONDs, THIRDs and OTHERS.

I have been the FIRST in my family to study English, and have inspired many people to study English in my bigger family. My nephew, niece and brother see me speaking to my friends in English want ask me how they can speak like this too.

Even though I have not accomplished a lot yet, I am working hard and keeping believing in my own dreams. If I have become the FIRST to never give up on my dreams, I will study Master’s at Harvard law school. Khushnudbek Khudoyberdiev is a famous blogger lawyer on Telegram and he has been the first lawyer I have seen who does not work at a legal company but focuses fully on information and legal literacy. I am aware that a lot of people seek legal advice, but cannot find a single platform where many licenced lawyers offer consulting. I want to set up a website for Uzbekistan citizens, where they can find cases analyses, find legal advice and hire lawyers. This will be supported by respective a Telegram group or channel too. I want to extend the website later to become an educational tool for students worldwide. To do this, the website will have sections dedicated to different countries with lawyers signed up from those countries. With the consent of the client, each case will be posted on the blog of respective countries with a solution and lawyer’s comments. This way, a single platform will be created where people can seek legal solutions worldwide and students can learn about legal systems by examining cases of different countries.

Shu kabi hujjat namunalari bilan Telegram ijtimoiy tarmog’idagi @grantlar_namuna kanalida tanishing.


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