
AQSHdagi Ithaca College oliygohida oʻqish uchun 88 ming dollar grant yutib olgan talaba hujjatlari



Hujjat namunalari


2810 marta



Abdusalomov Jamshid – 2003-yil 22-may kuni Namangan viloyati Mingbuloq tumanida tugʻilgan. 2019-yil Mingbuloq tumanidagi 13-sonli davlat ixtisoslashtirilgan maktab internatini 9-sinfini bitirgan. Hozirgi kunda (2021-yil may) 1-sonli Namangan Davlat Universiteti qoshidagi Akademik Litseyi 2-kurs oʻquvchisi. IELTS 6.5 sertifikatiga ega.

Jamshid Nyu-York shahridagi Ithaca College oliygining «Iqtisodiyot» yo’nalishi bo’yicha bakalavriat bosqichida o’qish uchun (2021-yil kuzgi semestr) yillik 22 ming AQSH dollari (4 yilga 88 ming dollar) yutib olgan.

Quyida Jamshidning oliygohga topshirgan hujjatlari bilan tanishasiz.

GOHLANTIRISH: Hujjatlardan faqat o’rganish maqsadida foydalaning. Boshqa shaxsning inshosini koʻchirib, oʻziniki sifatida topshirilgan holatlar (plagiat) maxsus dasturlar orqali aniqlanadi va arizaning rad etilishiga olib keladi.

Personal Statement (Shaxsiy bayon)

I’d like to express my interest in majoring in Economics through this statement. I’d like to pursue a career in economics and business, and I’m confident that the degree I’ll receive from this program will allow me to achieve personal and professional goals.

Currently, I am finishing the last year of my academic lyceum, where I have spent a lot of time and effort learning mathematics and understanding economics, among other subjects. To better understand my major I chose Mathematics, Basics of economic knowledge, and English as my A-level subjects. While studying in high school, I am also attending mathematics online courses, which clearly reflect my preferences and interests. I find mathematical skills very useful, especially while solving commercial problems, which require problem-solving skills. To be precise, I follow a telegram channel that always displays quizzes about the economic problems of large business companies and the reasons for their bankruptcy. Lessons from The Basics of economics shape my fundamental knowledge of my major and help me to better understand the system of the global economy. English lessons serve as a tool for better communication skills internationally in almost all spheres.

In recent years, with the support of my school, I participated in a number of international and regional mathematics competitions where I often ended up in prize-winning places. Due to my deep interest in mathematics, I have been participating in many local Maths Olympiads, which are held among high school talented students, and even had an opportunity to represent my school on the national stage. Moreover, I also took part in international contests to widen my boundaries in terms of maths and English. Examples of my prize-winning works are presented in my portfolio. I strengthened my confidence and shaped my good communication skills by talking to people of different cultures and ages, during online orientation events of UK universities, international webinars, and other various events.

In order to feed my curiosity, I worked as an accountant in a shop specialized in selling bakery products. My job was to calculate the real costs of bakeries when it was delivered to our store and the costs when it was sold to customers. From this we could know how much income came to hand in a working day, week, month, etc. Then, I launched a channel called “Global Information” in social media to engross myself in economics and assist others who want rare data. This telegram channel experienced considerable growth in the number of followers after few months (24.000 followers in 3 months) after which I got some earnings from marketing communication.

When I am free from academics, I do several sports, such as football, basketball, swimming, and chess. Particularly, chess helps me to concentrate on what I am doing for long hours and enhances my patience. Furthermore, the main advantage of it is that the techniques which I use to get out of challenging conditions improve my logical thinking ability. At the weekends, we organize and play football matches against different groups which really help us to release our stresses we get during our studies.

Moreover, I participate in practical affairs (trips to different shopping centres, offered by our lyceum) for curious students, who may have spare time, to show how people interact with value; in particular, the production and consumption of goods and services.

To sum up, I try to make the most of the knowledge I acquired during my studies. In my future career, I intend to contribute my skills and energies to the university and to become a beneficial member of the economists’ team.

Shaxsiy bayon tugadi

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error: Ma‘lumotni nusxalash ta‘qiqlangan!