
Koreyada bakalavriat bosqichida o’qish uchun KGSP (GKS) grantini yutib olgan hamyurtimizga tegishli tavsiyanoma



Hujjat namunalari


3912 marta



Jamshid Durboyev – 2001-yili Buxoro viloyatida tugʻilgan. 2020-yilda maktabning 11-sinfini aʼlo baholarga tamomlagan. 2020-yilda Janubiy Koreyaning eng nufuzli grantlaridan biri – KGSP (GKS) dasturiga topshirib, gʻolib boʻlgan va hozirda (2021-yil) Janubiy Koreyada nufuzi boʻyicha 2-oʻrinda turuvchi Sungyunkwan universitetida bakalavriat bosqichida tahsil olmoqda.

Quyida KGSP dasturiga topshirish uchun O’zbekiston yoshlar ittifoqi Buxoro viloyati Kengashi raisi tomonidan Jamshid Durboyevga berilgan tavsiyanoma (Recommendation Letter) bilan tanishasiz.

ESLATMA: hujjatlardan faqat namuna sifatida foydalaning. Ularni ko’chirib, o’z hujjatlari sifatida topshirish plagiarizm hisoblanadi va arizaning rad etilishiga olib keladi!


I am pleased to recommend Jamshid Durboyev, who has been an active member of Union of the Youth of Uzbekistan for almost 2 years. During that time, I have come to know him as a person who shows all-round personal development both in his
academic and personal persuits.

I am impressed with his commitment, creativity and growth mindset, which he has been demonstrating throughout these years. Jamshid always does his best, whether it is related to volunteering programs or just group projects, which motivates his peers to give their best too. Moreover, he has an outstanding ability to persuade others to follow him by being a model to look up to. It should also be mentioned that he is a perfect person to get a project rolling, but he also knows how to sit back and let others to take the lead during the discussion projects.
Jamshid’s endless curiosity, combined with his willingness to take risks, leads me to believe there will be no limit to his growth and achievements at your institution and beyond. I’m confident that he will continue to demonstrate the same diligence, perseverance, and optimism that he showed me and his peers.

I must also make note of Jamshid’s exceptional academic performance. Out of a class of 30 students, Jamshid has got the highest grades from almost all of the subjects. His above-average performance is a direct result of his hard work and strong

Jamshid Durboyev bilan Grantlar.uz suhbat qilgan. Ushbu suhbatni BU YERDA oʻqishingiz mumkin.

Jamshid Durboyevning Telegram kanali

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