Lane Kirkland Scholarship Programme – Polshada ikki semestr davomida o’qish va amaliyot o’tash uchun beriladigan to’liq grant. Dasturga qabul qilinganlarning o’qish to’lovlari qoplanadi va stipendiya beriladi. Dastur haqida batafsil
Quyida shu grantni yutgan o’zbekistonlik ishtirokchining inshosi bilan tanishing.
ESLATMA: Inshodan faqatgina namuna sifatida foydalaning. Uni oʻzingizning insho sifatida biror dasturga topshirish plagiat hisoblanadi va bu arizangizning qabul qilinmasligiga sabab boʻladi.
Insho matni:
Improving of e-government for the optimization of public management (Poland and Uzbekistan experience)
With the expansion of globalisation process, the need for universal and internationally equal legislations and policies is increasing in the global environment. From this perspective, Poland attracts me with its well-known institutions, schools and agencies in the field of law and administration. THE LANE KIRKLAND SCHOLARSHIPS in Poland certainly is a precious opportunity for me to obtain valuable knowledge in my chosen subject.
I am intending to conduct a research in the field of Law and Administration at University of Warsaw. This tendency is getting more and more important in the regulation of e-Government and Digital public services, especially for the countries like mine – Uzbekistan, where is development of public services and
e-government remains very low. Poor performance of public services and
e-services to business subjects impedes foreign investment in the country. According to the results of UN E-Government Survey 2018 Uzbekistan ranked 81st place in E–Government Development Index (lower middle income) while Poland is 33rd in this index (High income). When it comes to conducting business, Uzbekistan ranked 76th, while Poland was 33rd in 2018. It shows the development e-government and business sectors are proportionally increasing and there is a considerable difference between the results of the two countries.
Lack of opportunities for business decreases the number of investors. It has a negative impact on state authority in front of other countries. So it is considered very important to develop legal mechanism of e-government and study experiences of developed European countries in this field. Collected data then needs to be integrated to local legal system of Uzbekistan.
According to some experts, documents that regulate civil service activities do not meet modern requirements; they do not define common legal standards and do not reflect the whole complex of issues. Main problems that decrease the work efficiency of civil servants are low level of utilization of modern technologies and the absence of integrated personnel policy. In addition, the legal framework in this sphere is considered far behind the «e-government» system.
The above mentioned problems can be seen as the reasons for the project proposed should be implemented in Uzbekistan.
My current work place Ministry of Justice and previous work place Ministry of information and communication technology of the Republic of Uzbekistan are responsible organizations for developing e government in the territory on Uzbekistan. I studied at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and received master’s degree in 2015. The topic of my dissertation was “Improving of legal mechanism of e-government on the optimization of public management in Uzbekistan.” So have some knowledge and experience in this field. I have written more than 10 scientific publications and a monography about legal problems of e-government in Uzbekistan and the solutions to them. I have worked out of electronic mechanism of electronic retirement pension and I have involved to process of developing Law on e-government.
Poland has a huge experience in the field of e-government. The country’s legal framework for e-government was developed in 1997, earlier than Uzbekistan’s. In Uzbekistan it started in 2012. Act on the Protection of Personal Data (1997), Act on Providing Services by Electronic Means (2003), Law on Access to Public Information and related laws (2011), Law on spatial information infrastructure (2010) are not regulated yet by Uzbek legislation. Public Procurement Law was adopted in Uzbekistan in 2018 while Poland adopted it in 2016. This law caused many problems and inconveniences for the businesses and government organisations in our country. It shows there are unresolved legal problems in this law. I think studying Poland legislation will help for solving these problems.
I am intending to investigate the ways of enhancing trade relations between my country and Poland. Working in the field of law, I see that Central Asian countries are in need of professional lawyers to improve and stabilize interstate legal issues, that directly cause to economic, political and security issues in the region.
Along with gaining theoretical knowledge and attending taught courses, the University of Warsaw helps me to learn about new teaching methodologies at higher institutions there. Moreover, certainly, this academic stay will give me other valuable opportunities, such as using up-to-date studying and teaching materials, new ideas (with new practices and approaches) and new academic and professional connections for the future. In near future, I am also planning to teach Law at the Tashkent state university of law. I am well aware of its learning environment where students are eager to know about foreign experiences in legislation and conflict management. I believe, sharing my knowledge with them will be definitely interesting and engaging.
After completion of my studies at the University of Warsaw, I am intending to continue working for public and/or government bodies and I will use the gained Polish experiences to develop digital public service and e-government systems. I will be glad to implement my knowledge that I gain at a Polish University. I will do my best to make my positive contribution to resolving the problems of bureaucratic administration in our country. Furthermore, I will defend my PhD dissertation on my chosen topic:
Improving of e-government for the optimization of public management
(Poland and Uzbekistan experience)
Chapter I. The Conceptual Framework of E-Government on the Optimization of Public Administration
The historical steps of the development of e-government.
Polish e-Government Legal Framework.
The main stages of e-governance in Uzbekistan and Poland.
Chapter II. Study of Polish and European experience for improving the activities of the Digital Public Services Center at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Problems related to the activities of the Digital Public Services Center at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Poland approach to Digital Public Services.
Determining advantages and disadvantages of digital public services in Poland and Uzbekistan.
Chapter III. Integration of foreign e-government experiences to local legal system.
The most significant Polish experiences/policies/regulations that can be implemented in Uzbekistan.
Shu kabi boshqa hujjat namunalari va hujjat topshirish jarayonlari bilan @grantlar_namuna kanalida tanishib borishingiz mumkin.