
AQSHda oʻqish uchun 88 ming dollar grant yutib olgan hamyurtimiz topshirgan hujjatlar toʻplami



Hujjat namunalari


7648 marta



Toshbotirov Azamat – 1999-yili Samarqand viloyatining Paxtachi tumanida tugʻilgan. Paxtachi xizmat koʻrsatish va servis kollejida “Suv va gaz ta’minoti mutaxassisligi” yoʻnalishini tamomlagan. 2021-yili AQSHda joylashgan Widener universitetiga hujjat topshirib, bakalavriatda oʻqish uchun (4 yilga) 88 ming AQSH dollari yutib olgan. Azamat IELTS 6.5 sertifikatiga ega va barcha fanlardan baholari “aʼlo” (5).

Quyida Widener universitetiga topshirgan hujjatlar (insho, CV, tavsiyanoma, baholar) va grant ajratilgani haqidagi xat bilan tanishasiz.

ESLATMA: hujjatlardan faqat namuna sifatida foydalaning. Ularni ko’chirib, o’z hujjatlari sifatida topshirish plagiarizm hisoblanadi va arizaning rad etilishiga olib keladi!


My upbringing in Uzbekistan, a small corner of the world, has effected who I am in many fundamental ways. For a start, I’ve learnt that it’s possible to catch pneumonia and get sunburnt in the course of one afternoon; so I always over pack. So too have I discovered that “I’ll pop the kettle on” is a sufficient emotional response when confronted with most situations.

Uzbekistan has had, as most know, a great history – so succeed, we simply call it ‘The Success’. During this time, individually and collectively as a nation, we worked hard. Here, I can link them with my family. I evolved from an exclusive family so by the age of 12 I was really enthusiastic to learn new languages. I would say blood is thicker than water. This phrase means my family is the one where I can rely on them even if I am into trouble. Despite the lack of money in my family, my mother and my family tried to support me with a small amount of money for my courses tuition. As I am a hardworking, self-motivated, professional and committed person who feels the most comfortable in a student role whereby pressure is very much part of everyday life.

I am applying for this university because I feel strongly that I have the necessary skills, qualities and attributes but also move forward positively and innovatively through studying hard and determination. Throughout my time in High school (vocational college in Uzbekistan) I was involved in a lot of extracurricular activities. After finishing high school, I attended IELTS course in 2019, within two years I achieved some academic results and my tutor Mrs Shonazarova Munira motivated me to study abroad like United States. I am very thankful to my tutor as she has been kind to me all the time. I am pleased to note that the skills and experience I already have are a perfect match for Widener University. Having been searched the list of universities, I realized International Business program at Widener university is the best option for me to fulfill my career goals and Widener University is just right for me to build my career. The main reason why I chose to study is that, this institution provides an excellent facilities and best education for international students. I am very delighted that I am applying undergraduate degree at this prestigious university in the USA.

Toshbotirov Azamat

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