
Chevening to’liq grantini qo’lga kiritgan o’zbekistonlik magistrantning insholari



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9585 marta



Quyida 2018-yilda Buyuk Britaniyaning Chevening stipendiyasini qoʻlga kiritgan oʻzbekistonlik Joʻshqinbek Ismailovning Chevening ariza shaklida yozlishi kerak boʻlgan insholari keltirilgan. Ushbu insholar saytga Joʻshqinbek Ismailovdan roziligi asosida joylanmoqda.

OGOHLANTIRISH: Insholardan namuna sifatida foydalaning. Ularni ko’chirib, o’z hujjatlari sifatida topshirish plagiarizm hisoblanadi va arizaning rad etilishiga olib keladi!

Chevening ariza shaklida quyidagi mavzularda 4 ta insho yozilishi kerak:

  1. Leadership and Influence
  2. Networking
  3. Studying in the UK
  4. Career Plan

Har bir inshoni navbat bilan keltirib oʻtamiz. Insholardagi ismlar va baʼzi tashkilotlar oʻchirilib, faqat bosh harfi qoldirilgan.


Chevening is looking for individuals who will be future leaders and influencers in their home countries. Explain how you meet this requirement, using clear examples of your own leadership and influencing skills to support your answer. (minimum word count: 100 words, maximum word count: 500 words)

A true leader is a good team player, but an excellent individual player as well. Being a leader requires the courage to take action with the support of people around. With a few examples below, I demonstrate my leadership potential to become one of the best influencers in my country in the sphere I have chosen.

Taking responsibility in a team and having the ability to motivate people helped me to reach a managerial position within a short period. A recent example from my professional experience is that after successfully passing three rounds of recruitment I was appointed local economic analyst at an international renewable energy project in Uzbekistan. In three months, I was invited to work as an expert for two other renewable energy projects in Kazakhstan and Afghanistan, and within six months, I was appointed, in parallel to my main job, as Commercial Director of the Organization. To achieve all this, I simply followed my own principles: take full responsibility for making decisions, be fully committed to my work and my team.

Personal influence is a crucial leadership skill.  To affect others’ actions one needs to gain trust. When I started working at the Project Management Unit at the Rural Restructuring Agency of Uzbekistan I initially had to do accounting work all by myself despite having three  colleagues. However, three-months of demonstration encouraged my assistants and within two years, they were able to handle finance independently with only a small amount of coordination on my part. As a result, I won extra time to support my supervisor with other economic analysis, which served as a basis for developing and introducing new ideas, thus influencing management decisions.

The key factor of leadership and the ability to influence is knowledge. Therefore, I want to broaden my knowledge at an internationally recognized University in the UK. The challenge of adapting to an international culture is a unique opportunity for me to sharpen my leadership skills at the national and international level. Getting a Chevening Scholarship will be vital for me to take this step, and to be able to commit absolutely to my studies and from there to work towards achieving my long term career goals. (350 words)


Chevening is looking for individuals with strong networking skills, who will engage with the Chevening community and influence and lead the others in their chosen profession. Explain how you meet this requirement, using clear examples of your networking skills, and outline how you hope to use these skills in the future(minimum word count: 100 words, maximum word count: 500 words)

The more colorful your communication, the more colorful your network will be. Additionally, a competitive network involves patience and ethical principles. 

I believe my valuable experience in multinational environments will be my first asset. During my nine-year career, I worked at several international investment projects and met a number of international professionals. Particularly when I was working at Rural Restructuring Agency of Uzbekistan, I participated in the Divisional Workshop on Project Management at Headquarters of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD, UN Agency) held in Rome, Italy. Mr. R.S., the Head of Loans and Grants Department, assessed my presentation on Project Implementation Manual and advised others to use it as a template for their projects. Later, he travelled to Tashkent several times, which gave me the chance to enhance my knowledge through his practical feedback on my work, further strengthening our connection.

My second asset is simple communication skills, where I position myself as quite natural and pragmatic.  I believe being open about your pros and cons empowers your communication and this realistic view reinforces trust. Mr. A.W., Managing Director of XXX (agencyʼs name), was one of the international professionals whom I assisted with gathering initial data for economic analysis to prove feasibilities of proposed renewable energy projects. Although the work was voluntary,  I had to absorb myself in the system;  and as the sector was new at the time, this big international company trusted and treated me as an expert.  After this valuable experience, I was reassured that my simple communication rule works.

My future career and business strategy relies highly on a strong professional network. Being a part of the Chevening community would give me the opportunity to connect with the energy and sustainable development specialists in the UK. At the same time, being part of the Chevening family will help me achieve my goal of being part of the strong network of young leaders from all over the world  engaged in providing solutions for global problems. (322  words)


Outline why you have selected chosen three university courses, and explain how this relates to your previous academic or professional experience and your plans for the future.

Please do not duplicate the information you have entered on the work experience and education section of this form.

After receiving Bachelor’s Degree in International Economic Relations. I worked as a national finance and economics specialist at several international projects on renewable energy, Working among experts at the international level I gained invaluable experience and knowledge, but at the same time, I felt that a strong inhibitive factor for me is a lack of fundamental knowledge of energy. The energy system of Uzbekistan is very conservative and slowly adopts modern development methods. Therefore, I realized that I required the knowledge-background that is to  be obtained in an international University with an innovative curriculum,  utilizing international methods with a focus on energy economics, energy regulations and policy.

Based on the above, I have chosen three programs below as my preference:


1.               Durham University is highly ranked by The World University Rankings at top 100 in the world and top 10 in the UK. I have selected MSc Energy and Society course, because the course covers both technical and social aspects of energy studies, which empowers me with the skills of understanding and analyzing technically and socially. Another aspect is group field-studies that enable me to implement my theoretical knowledge in practice. Moreover, the curriculum includes credited learning in one of the Eastern languages.

2.               University of Sussex is highly ranked by The Times Higher Education World University Rankings at the top 150 in the world and top 10 in the UK. My choice here is MSc Energy Policy, as the focus of the course is creating low-carbon economy by the use of modern technology. Noticeable point of the curriculum is four modules including Innovation studies: innovation of infrastructure, innovation technologies, innovation methods of the science and innovation for sustainability.

3.               University of Dundee is highly ranked by The Times Higher Education World University Rankings (top 200 in the world and top 30 in the UK). I opted for MSc Energy Studies with specialization in Energy Economics, as the course is more advisory oriented and the curriculum mostly consists of economics of energy regulations, restructuring and policy. In addition, the course includes credited Internship, which allows gaining small but valuable practice of what I learned.

I believe studying in the UK will be life changing. If so far, I attended renewable energy projects as a national specialist or assistant to international expert, by studying for an MSc in the UK and obtaining knowledge at the global scale, I will build the foundation to act as an international expert in projects. Once I achieve the status of an international expert, I will be able to have a   voice within the energy sector of Uzbekistan and Central Asia.  (368 words)


Chevening is looking for individuals who have a clear post-study career plan. Please outline your immediate plans upon returning home and your longer-term career goals. You may wish to consider how this relate to what the UK government is doing in your country(minimum word count: 100 words, maximum word count: 500 words)

I consider myself a high achiever in career perspective, given the goals I have achieved in my career so far. In the future, I would like to commit to the Development Renewable Energy Sector of Uzbekistan.

My career plan after doing my masters consists of short-, medium- and long-term goals as follows:

a)  Short-term (2-5 years after graduation): working at the government entity being responsible for energy: JSC UzbekEnergo or JSC UzhydroEnergo. Particularly, Project Implementation Unit of Renewable Energy Generation.

b)  Medium-term (5-10 years after graduation): working at a managerial position at JSC UzbekEnergo. At the same time, I will keep working intermittently as an international renewable energy consultant in investment projects outside Uzbekistan. Thus, I will keep gaining international experience and exchanging knowledge with experts all over the world will be able to build strong business network, required to achieve my long-term ambitions.

c)  Long-term (10+ years): Establish my own international research and consultancy institute on renewable energy.

Contributing to generating green energy at any level gives me life and job satisfaction. Uzbekistan has huge resources to generate renewable energy, particularly solar energy, and it has recently started building Solar PV Plants. Nevertheless, progress is rather slow. My conclusion based on three years of experience in the energy sector is that the classical energy sector has a shortage of renewable energy experts from inside as countless consultations from outside have not been effective up until now. When I was working at Rural Restructuring Agency of Uzbekistan in 2015, we hired International Renewable Energy Consultant Mr. J.Z. He had to develop renewable energy legislation for Uzbekistan, including bylaws and conduct training to policy makers. He drafted the law and it was adopted, but the regulation lacks on many aspects: in the first place does not cover national mindset, culture and current affairs in the system, which makes it unpractical, although it is international practice. For instance, selling the excess energy by small generators to their neighbors case, according to the law it should sell to the local grid, then neighbors can buy from the grid, why one should do that!? Neighborhood is traditional culture in Uzbekistan; neighbors are closer than relatives are. Thus, my argument is when adopting international practices to certain country its national mindset, culture and current affairs of the system should be the first factor, not even second for determining the activities. I can be the expert who can add such kind of value not only for Uzbekistan, but also for whole Central Asia.

Chevening program for me is a long term investment into my professional growth, that also grants me a chance to  enhance my status, so that I could collaborate with different levels of government and attract more support and attention to my projects and innovative  for Uzbekistan ideas to promote development of Energy Sector in the country. (477 words)

Chevening dasturi haqida batafsil SHU YERDA tanishing.

Joʻshqinbek Ismailov bilan tashkil etilgan Chevening dasturiga hujjat topshirish va suhbat jarayonidagi muhim jihatlar toʻgʻrisidagi suhbat bilan SHU YERDA tanishing.

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