
Global UGRAD (AQSh) to’liq grantini yutgan talabalardan hujjat namunalari: motivatsion insholar va insho yozish sirlari



Muvaffaqiyatga yo'l


21150 marta



Hujjatlar namunalari maqola oxirida berilgan

Global UGRAD dasturi bakalavr bosqichida tahsil olayotgan talabalar uchun madaniy va akademik almashinuv dasturi bo’lib, bu dasturga qabul qilingan talabalar to’liq grant asosida AQShning nufuzli oliygohlarida bir semestr davomida o’qish imkoniyatiga ega bo’ladilar. Dasturga qabul uchun har yili ko’plab iqtidorli talabalar hujjat topshiradilar, AQSh elchixonasi orqali o’tkaziladigan saralash jarayonidan esa o’qish, madaniyat va sayohatga chin dildan qiziquvchi eng tirishqoq nomzodlar tanlab olinadi. Dasturga qabul jarayonida yuzlab talabalar o’rtasida kuchli raqobat bo’lb, ulardan sanoqlilarigagina grant belgilanadi, lekin qabul jarayoni ko’pchilik o’ylagandek o’ta qiyin emas. Saralash jarayoni va hujjat topshirish haqidagi ba’zi xato tushunchalarga aniqlik kiritish maqsadida ushbu maqolada grant yutib olgan uch nafar talabaning maslahatlarini, insho yozishda ynamuna sifatida esa ularning grant uchun yozgan insholarini taqdim etmoqdamiz. Dastur haqida kengroq ma’lumot uchun grant yutgan talaba bilan suhbat va maxsus blog maqolamiz bilan tanishishingiz mumkin.

Global UGRAD grantiga hujjat topshirish va insho yozish haqida qanday xato tushunchalar bor?

Sabina Akhroriy (2018-2019 o’.y.). Global UGRAD dasturi doirasida West Liberty Universitetida tahsil olgan.

Avvalo, dasturga qabul va ingliz tili darajasi haqidagi xato tushuncha haqida gapirsam. Dasturga qabul uchun talabalarni qo’rqitadigan bir jihat ingliz tili. Grant yutish uchun IELTS 7, 8 shart emas. Umuman olganda IELTS natijalari Global UGRAD uchun umuman kerak emas, chunki dasturga qabul qilingach baribir TOEFL iBT imtihonini topshirasiz. IELTS faqat hujjat topshirishda nomiga ko’rsatiladi, saralash jarayonida katta ta’sirga ega emas. Dastur mantiqiga asosan, talaba ingliz tilini bemalol gaplasha olar darajada bilishi yetarli, bu esa taxminan IELTS 6-6.5 darajasiga ega talabalar bemalol grant yutib olishlari mumkin degani. Insho yozganda tabiiylikni saqlash kerak. Inshongizni zo’r notiqdek yozsangiz ham, unda keltirilgan fikrlardan kelib chiqib xulosa qilinadi. Men, masalan, insholarimni tushunarli yozdim, qandaydir qiziq yo o’ziga xos yozishga harakat qilganim ham yo’q. AQSh tarixi, ta’limi va madaniyatiga o’zim qiziqardim, borishga bir dunyo sabablarim bor edi, insho mavzulariga ham g’oyalarim tabiiy ravishda ko’p edi. Ularni boricha qog’ozga tushirdim. Erishgan yutuqlarim va qiziqishlarimni boricha bayon qildim. Agar talaba chindan ham yonib turgan g’oya va qiziqishga ega bo’lsa, uning inshosi qanaqa ekani muhim emas. Grant uchun munosib ekaningiz ijtimoiy va akademik faolligingiz va maqsadlaringiz insholarda aks etishi kerak xolos. Buning uchun sizda ana shular yuqori darajada bo’lishi zarur. Qabul jamoasi ingliz tilidagi kamchilik yoki inson o’z fikrini ifodalayotganida uchraydigan boshqa umumiy to’siqlardan qat’iy nazar, kuchli qiziqish va xohishi bor talabalarni tanib olaverishadi. Shuning uchun, qo’rqmasdan, avval insho mavzularini o’rganib, hech qayerdan ko’chirmay, ba’zi g’oyalarni shakllantirish va ularni boricha yozish kerak. Ingliz tiliga kelsak, agar o’zingizga ishonmasangiz, insholaringizni biror do’stingizga o’qitib fikrini so’rash va shunga qarab tushunarsiz yerlarini to’g’irlashingiz mumkin. Unutmang, insholarni mukammal yozish shart emas. G’oyalar haqiqiy bo’lishi kerak.

Fayzieva Dilnoza (2019-2020 o’.y.). Global UGRAD dasturi doirasida Augsburg universitetida tahsil olgan:

Birinchidan, dasturning talablarini o’ta qiyin deb o’ylamaslik kerak. Global UGRAD dasturining asosiy talablari taxminan quyidagicha:

  • Nomzod ingliz tilini yaxshi bilishi kerak;
  • Nomzod bakalavr bosqichida o’qiyotgan bo’lishi zarur;
  • U ijtimoiy va akademik jihatdan faol bo’lishi kerak;
  • AQSh madaniyati va u yerdagi ta’lim tizimiga qiziqishi lozim.

O’zbekiston oliygohlarida yuqoridagi talablarga mos talabalar minglab uchraydi. Grantni yutish uchun asosiy talablarga javob berish zarur, bu esa uncha qiyin emas. Lekin ko’pchilik bu grantni yutib olish juda qiyin deb o’ylaydi. Negadir shunchaki (tekinga) hujjat topshirishga ham hadiksirashadi. Dasturga hujjat topshiraylik, deb taklif qilgan do’stlarimning ba’zilari xatto hujjat topshirishmadi, bundan avvaliga juda hayron qoldim. Keyin bilsam, grantni yutib olish imkoniyatini real deb baholashmagan ekan. Saralash jarayoni juda shaffof, ular buni bilishadi. Buni umuman olganda hamma biladi, lekin baribir “bunaqa zo’r grantga meni olishmasa kerak” degan shubha ko’pchilikni qo’rqitib qo’yadi. Lekin hujjat topshirayotgan nomzod dasturga albatta jiddiy qarashi zarur.

Ikkinchidan, hujjat topshirayotganda biror qolip, “yutadigan ariza” degan narsa yo’q bo’lsa kerak. Hujjatlarni kimnidir lol qoldirish uchun tayyorlash xato (ba’zilar qabul jamoasiga qiziq deb o’ylagan narsalarini ham yozishadi), ularni shunchaki mas’uliyat bilan tayyorlash kerak. so’ralgan mavzuda yozish, savollarga tushunarli javob berish zarur. Grantni yutish uchun favqulodda boshqacha bo’lish shart ham emas. Har bir inson o’z-o’zicha qobiliyatli. Buni shunchaki ko’rsatish zarur, buning uchun biroz tiniqroq maqsad qo’yish kerak. Grantni yutgan ko’p talabalar bilan suhbatlashib, anglaganim – hamma har xil yondashgan, bir-biriga o’xshamagan fikr va yondashuv bilan hujjat topshirgan ekan.

Uchinchidan, insho yozish deganda biror yozuvchilik ishini tushunmaslik kerak. Hujjat tayyorlayotganda o’ta mukammal insho yozish shart emas, har holda ko’pchilik mukammal deb tushunadigan insholarni nazarda tutyapman. Albatta talaba kuchli motivatsiya va potensialga ega bo’lishi shart, lekin ko’pchilik inshoni unday yoki bunday yozish kerak deb o’ylab, qo’rqib, o’zlaridagi intilishni ko’rsatolmay qolishadi. Qiyin so’zlar, aqlli fikrlar, mashhurlar gaplari va shu kabi elementlar inshoga qo’shilishi kerak qabilidagi gaplar menimcha ahamiyatga ega emas. Inshoning qanday yozilishi emas, unda nima yozilishi asosiy o’rinda turadi. Muhimi – inshoda, undan ham muhimi, talabaning dilida – chindan kuchli ishtiyoq, intilish va ishonch aks etishi kerak. Shaxsan men inshoni hujjat topshirish oxirlab qolgan vaqtda ancha shoshilib yozganman, lekin dilimdagi gaplarni boricha ko’rsatganman. Fikrlarimni kimdir, yoki qandaydir bo’lib ko’rinishga intilmay, chin dildan bayon qilganman. Insholarim grammatik xato va g’aliz gaplardan holi emasdi, umuman olganda.keyinchalik ko’z yugurtirsam, ancha noprofessional yozilgan ekan. Bu yozuvchilik tanlovi emas. Unga yozuvchidek insho yozilmaydi. Aksincha, juda balandparvoz yoki jurnalistik yondashsangiz (ko’pchilik mukammal insho deganda shuni tushunadi) qabul jamoasiga o’z ichki olamingizni ko’rsatolmay qolasiz, chunki fikr bir tarafda qolib, shaklga ko’p e’tibor berilgach, doim asosiy mazmun va tabiiylik kamayib qoladi. Insho yozganda kimdir bo’lib ko’rinishga urinmang. Nima o’ylasangiz, shuni yozing, faqat imkon qadar tushunarli va ravon chiqsa yetarli. Hujjat tayyorlashga tayyorgarlik ko’rayotganda ham dasturning ahamiyati haqida ko’proq izlanib, ma’lumot to’plang. Dilingizga dasturda qatnashish uchun motivlar yig’ing, “nega qatnashmoqchisiz?”, «nima uchun sizga grant berishimiz to’g’ri bo’ladi» deyishganda aytishga 2-3 ta kuchli sabablar toping. Insho o’z-o’zidan yaxshi chiqaveradi.

Omon Ochilov (2019-2020 o’.y.). Global UGRAD dasturi doirasida University of Wyoming oliygohida tahsil olgan:

Umuman olganda barcha nufuzli grant dasturlari haqida bir-biriga o’xshash tushunchalar mavjud: «yutish qiyin bo’lsa kerak». Bu fikr ham to’g’ri, ham noto’g’ri. Agar a’lochi, faol, ochiq fikrli va tirishqoq inson bo’lsangiz va o’z oldingizga foydali maqsadlar qo’ygan bo’lsangiz, grant yutish unchalik qiyin yoki imkonsiz narsa emas. Shunchaki siz hujjat topshirmoqchi bo’layotgan grant dasturining shartlari bilan tanishish va ularga mosligingizni chamalab ko’rish kerak. Albatta, grant beruvchi izlayotgan shaxslar qatoriga kirmasangiz, siz uchun grant yutishdan qiyini yo’q. Qanchalik zo’r qilib hujjat tayyorlasangiz ham baribir ichki intilish va salohiyat kam bo’lsa, seziladi. Aksincha, agar talablarga mos bo’lsangiz hammasi oddiy. Shunchaki avval grantga munosib bo’lish va keyin shu munosiblikni ko’rsatib bera olish zarur. Aynan Global UGRAD dasturiga kelsak, bu dastur hali AQShda deyarli bo’lmagan, hali katta tajribaga ega bo’lmagan va shunga qaramasdan o’z oldiga katta maqsadlar qo’ygan tirishqoq talabalar uchun. Shuning uchun, juda ilojsiz yoki qiyin talablar mavjud emas. Serqirra, o’ziga xos va harakatchan yoshlar bu grant uchun hujjat topshirishda ikkilanmasliklari kerak. Qo’rqmasdan, shartta hujjat topshirishni tavsiya qilaman.

O’zi qanday hujjatlar topshiriladi?

Dasturga hujjat topshirayotganda ariza to’ldirib, unga OTMda olingan barcha baholar, ikkita tavsiyanoma va passport nusxasi ilova qilinishi kerak. Ariza berayotganda kerakli insholar arizaning ichida yoziladi.

Insho yozishda nimalarga e’tibor berish kerak?

Dilnoza: – Hujjat topshirayotganda ariza shaklining ichida 2 ta savol bo’ladi. Ulardan birida grant uchun munosibligingizni, ikkinchisida o’zingizdagi yetakchilik sifatlarini ko’rsatishingiz kerak. Nomzodning shu savollarga bergan javobi insho hisoblanadi. Ular alohida hujjat ham emas. Insho yozayotganda mavzu, ya’ni berilgan savol hamda nechta so’z yozish kerakligiga asosiy e’tibor qaratish kerak. Insho yozganda, ayniqsa grantni yutib olishni juda xohlovchi nomzodlarda bir dunyo fikrlar bo’ladi, g’oyalarining hammasini aytib berishni xohlashadi, lekin asosiy mavzudan chetga chiqmaslik va belgilangan limitdan juda ko’p yozib yubormaslikka harakat qilish kerak. Shuning uchun avvalo eng muhim fikrlarni insho yozishni boshlamasdan oldin aniqlab, “brainstorming” qilib olish muhim deb o’ylayman, har holda men shunday qilganman. Mavzuni yaxshilab tushunib olib, aynan nima deyishni yaxshilab o’ylab olish va  mayda tafsilotlarni ko’paytirmasdan, asosiy g’oya(lar)ni lo’nda yozish foydali bo’ladi.

Sabina: – Undan tashqari, yozayotganda umumiy gaplarni ko’p ishlatmagan ma’qul menimcha. Ya’ni, chet elga borishning foydalari, talabalar almashinuvi nima uchun muhimligi, dunyoda nimalar bo’layotgani, yetakchilik nima ekani, yetakchilikning ahamiyati, O’zbekistondagi yetakchilar va shu kabi umumiy gaplardan, berilgan savollarga javob bo’lishi mumkin umumiy fikrlardan qochish kerak. Uning o’rniga, o’zingizdan kelib chiqib nimadir yozing. Insholardan biri sizning nima uchun dastur uchun munosib qatnashchi bo’la olishingiz haqida bo’ladi, bu savolga javob berayotganda o’z hayotingizni , qiyinchiliklaringizni, yoki erishgan yutuqlaringizni yozsangiz bo’ladi. Albatta asosiy savolga javob sifatida nima uchun munosib ekaningizni ko’rsatasiz, faqat fikringizni isbtlash uchun ham hayotiy misollar bersangiz yaxshi. Umuman olganda sizdan boshqa hech kim bilmaydigan narsalarni yozish umumiy balandparvoz gaplardan ancha foydali. Fikrlar original va shaxsiy bo’lishi kerak. Berilgan har bir fikrga misol keltirganda ham o’zingizga, qarashlaringiz va hayotingizga bog’lab yozing. Bu juda muhim, chunki shu orqali Siz ichki dunyongizni ochib berasiz.

Omon: – Insho yozayotgan talaba chindan ham dastur uchun munosib bo’lishi va yetakchilik sifatlariga ega bo’lishi kerak. Dasturga jamiyatda faol harakatlar qilayotgan, shu kungacha yutuqlarga erishgan, katta maqsadlarga ega, dunyoqarashi keng va ochiq fikrli talabalar qabul qilinadi. Har qanday insho yozishdan oldin talaba shunday talablarga mos ekanligiga ishonch hosil qilishi kerak. Agar hali biror katta yutuqqa amalda erishib ulgurmagan bo’lsa, hozirda harakatda ekanini ko’rsatishi, kuchli fikrlar, qiziqish, reja va umidlarini ochib berishi, hamda shularga chindan ega bo’lishi kerak. Shuning uchun inshoni qanday yozmang, avval o’zingizda ichki xohish va intilishni uyg’oting, chindan grant yutib olgach qilish uchun juda foydali rejalarni tuzib oling, shu kungacha uddalagan yutuqlaringizni esga oling. O’zingizni kerakli kayfiyat va fikrlarga keltirib olish juda ham muhim, aks holda, kuchli fikrlarga ega bo’lib turib ham hissiyot va fikr jamlanishi yetishmaganligi uchun fikrlaringizni ko’rsatolmasligingiz mumkin. Eng muhimi insho aks ettirgan voqea va fikrlar. Agar siz chindan yurtingiz rivojiga hissa qo’shish umidida yonsangiz, chindan shu kungacha ijobiy o’zgarish qilish uchun zarracha bo’lsa ham harakat qilgan, tariqdek natijaga erishgan va chindan ham qo’lingizdan kelgancha yaxshilik qilishga, jamiyat va Vatanga, odamlarga foydangiz tegishiga urinsangiz, insholaringiz tabiiy ravishda kuchli, jo’shqin va tabiiy chiqadi.

Quyida dasturga qabul qilingan ushbu uch talabaning insholari bilan tanishasiz.

ESLATMA: Quyidagi hujjatlar Global UGRAD dasturi g’oliblari bo’lgan nomzodlar tomonidan tayyorlangan rasmiy hujjatlar hisoblanadi va ulardan faqat namuna sifatida foydalanish mumkin. Boshqalar tomonidan ularning o’zi yozgan hujjat sifatida ta’lim dasturlariga topshirilishi plagiat hisoblanadi hamda o’zining inshosi sifatida taqdim etgan nomzodlarni dasturga qabul qilish avtomatik tarzda rad etiladi. Bundan tashqari, qabul qilinish uchun aynan shunday insho yozish shart emas. Insholar har doim original yozilishi kerak.


Dilnoza Fayzievaning insholari 

Birinchi insho uchun savol: The Global UGRAD Program is for young leaders committed to serving their home communities. Why would you be a great participant in the Global UGRAD Program?


I love bridging the gap between what is and what should be. Where there is something of community service nature – I’m mostly in. I’m in the Youth Union – the most potential Youth Movemement in Uzbekistan. The YU has had strong individuals who have built their ways to becoming ministers and government figures who’re now changing the way the system works. The YU has a direct contact to the president of Uzbekistan – at meetings we’re given the opportunity to talk face-to-face to Mr. President, so I know where I want to be heard.

I do many fundraising activities – I volunteer a lot, organise many clubs and so on. I am a leader of an anonymous charity movement, I’m the founder of a student leadership club and doing my undergrad research now on psychological HR management.  But I feel the urge to expand and grow.

Firstly the Uzbek Youth aren’t united as effectively as they’re supposed to, despite the existence of the YU, because it is not yet “trendy” to be a patriot here. Someone needs to become “the cool guy” who has achieved a lot to excite others and they need to be doing some community service so others see community service as a good thing that good people do.

Secondly, at college level we lack unity and excitement. WIUT and USWL are collaborating with the UN now but Tashkent Institute of Finance is just lagging. Not because its students are less qualified. It is just that we haven’t seen how exciting it is to speak up. Someone needs to do that too to lead others.

Thirdly, fundraising activities aren’t enough active here. People don’t see them as something important. At least my society works that way – people earn and save money, build multi-storey houses and organise luxury weddings but most of us aren’t willing to give 5% of our money to the poor. People watch each other and nobody is being generous. So someone needs to actually popularise philanthropy.

It is the youth dimension that this all starts at – the layer that paradigm shifts take place. We, the youth, don’t fear risks. Change requires a soul that is ready for risk, fear, loss, adventure, thrill, hard work and disapproval. I want to participate in the UGRAD program firstly because I am ready for it. In the US I’ll do all I can to achieve a profound personal transformation.

I plan to get back to the Youth Union once back home and spread my new ideas, experience and views there because that is the main channel of communication among the Uzbekistan youth. Uzbekistan’s local colleges (WIUT is not local) have never held any large international festivals. I want to organise one… Why not? If I manage enough fundraising, I will organise a partly funded international student fest inviting 500 students from around the world. To me it feels like this will directly contribute to tourism development and cultural exchange.

I have never experienced any true cultural exchange so I’m excited about the opportunity now. I have many plans to contribute back to the Global UGRAD program by promoting cultural exchange. An international student fest is what I will do first because it combines fundraising, cultural exchange and community service (we will have lots of volunteer positions there).

Organising a first MUN conference at the Tashkent Institute of Finance, which I plan to do, is another way of ensuring cultural exchange. I don’t mean to sell myself here but I really believe that the program is looking for someone who truly wants to participate and keep the fire burning after the program too, which sounds like me! I would be an excellent candidate because I will be a cultural exchange and community service agent during and after the program! (628 so’z)

Ikkinchi insho uchun savol: To complete your second essay, respond to one of the questions below:

Question 1
According to Ronald Reagan, “The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.”
Describe an instance where you had to be a leader in your community. What did you learn about yourself, your leadership style, and your capacity to create change?

Question 2
Using the following quotation from “The Moral Obligations of Living in a Democratic Society” as a starting point, tell us about an event or experience that helped you define one of your values or changed how you approach the world: “Empathy is not simply a matter of trying to imagine what others are going through, but having the will to muster enough courage to do something about it. In a way, empathy is predicated upon hope.”
(Nomzod tomonidan 1-savol tanlangan)


I agree that leadership is not only about being the great one. It is more about encouraging others to believe in themselves, awakening confidence in them and getting them to rise and shine.

Through my life, I believe that I have caused many beautiful souls to glow and shine with success, because I have worked as an English teacher and IELTS instructor for about 2 years. I often like to work with adult learners for some reason. Adults tend to be more pessimistic than the youth because of their unnecessary expectations. “I must be less talented, I am probably never learning this” and other self-destructive conclusions of this kind are what an adult learner often gets after the slightest failure during the learning process. Adults are more involved in practice, so getting mentally back to their teenage years where they fail and struggle with “simple things that even children can do” often demotivates them. So I often have to convince my adult and senior learners that it is normal and expected to struggle. To motivate them I have had to read many mnemonics books to enhance their memories and lots of motivation and self-help books to cultivate their drive and optimism. I often integrate hypnosis techniques to elevate students’ self confidence and motivate them a lot talking about the exciting things in life. A story that I still remember of a lot is the case with one of my depressed students. Her name was Zukhra. She was a wonderful woman, but was systematically ill and depressed. She had to learn English and get 7.0 in IELTS within a year. I loved the lady so much that I had to invite her to my own apartment every week to watch Mindvalley Academy’s motivational videos. Bob Proctor and John Assaraf are actively running their vlogs on YouTube on prosperity so we would watch them together. I would start my lessons with 10 minutes of motivation sessions and for that I used to watch something exciting myself a day before. I basically would tell her to do try things I had never done myself. Of course I would tell her I had tried the idea but I clearly got her to participate in a public speaking contest which I never had guts to try myself. before. I still keep contact with her. She’s now in the US leading her own management consulting company. While training her I realised that I am wired for encouraging others to success by motivating them with my words. Leading by example is great but I felt that motivational speaking is more or less naturally present in me as a talent. To this date I talk a lot to people and motivate them about life and many tell me if I want to be a counseling or clinical psychologist. I do, and before deciding tp study psychology, I was naturally leading and motivating people. (485 so’z).


Omon Ochilovning insholari

Birinchi insho uchun savol: Why would you be a great participant in UGRAD?


Sharing is caring says my friend and I couldn’t understand him until the following has happened to me.

My journey started in the spring of 2017 when I received an e-mail confirming my participation in Asian Science Camp (ASC) in Malaysia on partial scholarship terms. Interestingly, I was the first and the only participant from Uzbekistan and this fact made my experience very unique as a leader. To my surprise, it raised the great curiosity of others and I was happy to share the history, traditions, and customs of my nation. At the same time, I got to know a lot about other cultures and their perspectives, thus becoming a more open-minded, sociable and outgoing person. That environment enriched my international experience and introduced me a new way of thinking. I learned to be open to people and welcome diversity under any conditions. Thanks to that, I could make a lot of friends back home whom I would have never met without ASC.

Currently, I can confidently claim myself to be the one who brings positive change and inspires others towards success. Most of my ideas I realize through Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), where I serve as Communications Chairperson since May 15th. In fact, I am the youngest man to receive this position in the history of university despite the responsibilities it rested on me. One of those is hosting Petro English Club (PEC), where I instruct the students technical English in a fun way and help students overcome speaking barriers. It was my initiative to introduce discussions on UN SDG, webinars with the graduates and Movie Nights in English. PEC has 10-15 regular visitors now and has gained popularity thanks to its relevance and inclusive principles. We welcome everyone regardless of age and level of their English. I am already witnessing significant progress in student’s English and am sure that everyone will succeed.

As of my personality, I care about my people and always support their ambitions and bright ideas. But usually, opportunities don’t comply with the needs. Recently, I set a new goal – establish a partnership with the Erasmus+ exchange program at my university to create opportunities to study in Europe for free. To have a better understanding of the program itself I am passing a voluntary internship at National Erasmus+ Office (NEO). There I polish my communication skills and build ties with the experts in the higher education system. Meanwhile, I have gained the trust of administration at my university. Hence, serving as a mediator, with first-hand information and support, soon I will be able to start the project.

Finishing my essay, I would like to assert that my top target is to create better learning conditions for the youth of Uzbekistan regardless of their location. I would like to witness Uzbek youth globally renowned and committed to the nations’ well-being. Participation in UGRAD will undoubtedly strengthen my capacity and strongly reinforce my endeavors. (488 so’z)

Ikkinchi insho uchun savol: Using the following quotation from “The Moral Obligations of Living in a Democratic Society” as a starting point, tell us about an event or experience that helped you define one of your values or changed how you approach the world: “Empathy is not simply a matter of trying to imagine what others are going through, but having the will to muster enough courage to do something about it. In a way, empathy is predicated upon hope.” (Nomzod tomonidan 1-savol tanlangan)


It was another Petro English Club session and I was hosting a master class of a special guest, Abdulaziz Temirov, on an innovative way of teaching English. His presentation was short and clear and it was time for Q&A. The really interesting part started when he quickly changed the topic to entrepreneurship. There were almost 40 attendants and every one of them asked a question. The Q&A was lasting for 40 minutes and we couldn’t stop it going. In the end, there was an offer to start a startup club and I was chosen as an organizer of it.

That very moment I was sure I could start the club. The first thing I needed was a good team. As I have a wide network of friends, I quickly managed to recruit 5 different people and held a meeting. We defined our goals and set certain objectives. Our plan was to launch in a week which is why we decided to work every day. Since there was a burst of interest in business among the students, it was very important to hold their attention. I realized that we needed to keep the audience posted in social networks on the coming event. Moreover, I wanted the first session to be impressive and offered to have a special guest. As 2 of the team members have their own businesses and know like-minded people, they could invite a bright person, a businesswoman, Gulbakhor Yuldasheva. By coordinating and delegating all tasks in the team, I could create an effective workflow and sustained a friendly environment until the opening of the club.

When, eventually, the day of the opening came, everything turned out to be more difficult than I expected. I found myself managing every step starting from the venue issues and ending with bottles of water for attendants. It was certainly owing my team I was able to handle the situation. Someone was registering the guests; the others were dealing with IT issues. Everyone was doing his job. We acted as a single organism, moving towards its goal. Everything was ready to start and I gave an introduction speech. Then followed the main part. In the end, I was touched when my teammates thanked me for organizing the event because, as they say, they could realize their full potential while working with me. That was my reward.

Ultimately, there were several things I learned about myself. A week of intense work made me realize that I am a good connector between people. Being a good listener, I quickly find common topics to discuss with people and never refuse to share useful information. This way I set a good relationship with everyone. And when I need something, I know whom I should address. Moreover, I discovered that my leadership is based on trust. Whenever I delegated a task to my teammates, I always believed they could do it, no matter what. Likewise, I ensured that I have their trust as well by at least listening to everyone’s offer or idea. To conclude, I believe, it is critical every leader has such traits to achieve common success. (521 so’z)


Sabina Akhroriyning insholari

Birinchi insho uchun savol: Why would you be a great participant in the Global UGRAD Program?

Javob: I believe that I would be a great participant in the Global UGRAD Program as far as I am sociable, honest and open-minded person who gets along with others easily. My primary goal is to keep improving as an individual, as a student, as a future lawyer, and study abroad in the U.S. is just one opportunity to develop myself. I like diversity and I am interested in different cultures and traditions and want to explore more about people’s lives. Because when you know others, you understand yourself better. Since, I am a student of International University, most of my friends are from different backgrounds. However, this diversity has never caused any conflict between us, indeed, it teaches how to be tolerant toward others and learn from each other.

I always try to keep the balance between academic and social life. I am interested in conducting research and therefore, I regularly participate in extracurricular activities organized at the university such as «Research Society» and «Globalization and Sustainable Development». During these sessions we have an opportunity to debate and learn from professors. In addition, I am a member of «Zakovat» Intellectual Games and Model of United Nations (MUN) going to the U.S. would contribute improvement to my academic as well as social performance in terms of knowledge, critical thinking, interpersonal as well as leadership skills.

Another reason why I consider myself as a good candidate is that currently I am studying at Commercial Law faculty and I have read a lot about different legal systems including American one. However, by visiting US I want to explore American law in reality, learn and practice more from different professors. Last academic year I took part in Vis Moot Summer School and I gained great knowledge and experience of International Commercial Arbitration. My interest and guidance of my coach helped me to perform well as a party counsel in oral pleadings in international rounds of William C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot Competition and gave me an opportunity to participate in international rounds along with our team in Vienna. Because of my interest in US Arbitration system, I have conducted research on arbitration related topics several times and by participating in the UGRAD Program, I want to use my theoretical knowledge in practice, share, improve and learn from others.

I am a person who never stops at the points when plans have been accomplished and I am always in search for new knowledge. During my first year at the university, I applied for an internship program in the International Organization with a hope to widen my horizon and I was successfully accepted. The program enabled me to learn career skills, sphere of diplomacy and working with a team, which will be helpful for my future career.

I believe that Global UGRAD exchange program is not only educational or cultural program, which just brings students from all over the world, but the program, which would enable me to meet new people and learn about their lives. Moreover, this program would give me an opportunity to share my knowledge, experience and meet the people with the same aim to make the world better place to live in. Finally, this program would empower me to contribute for the development of my country after coming back from US by sharing all gained knowledge and experience.

Global UGRAD dasturi uchun talabalarga oʻqituvchilari tomonidan berilgan tavsiyanomalar bilan SHU YERDA tanishing.

error: Ma‘lumotni nusxalash ta‘qiqlangan!